11.2 Scan Completion Codes

The following table summarizes the scan completion codes described in the specific cases above. The table also includes additional error-completion codes common to all scan cases. These completion codes are posted to the HACB's hacbCompletion field:

Upper WORD(16 bits)

Lower WORD(16 bits)




Successful Completion: The current scan operation completed successfully. This completion code applies to all scan cases. For Case 1 and Case 2 scans, this completion code indicates that a device responded at the specified Target ID and unit number, and the information returned in the HACB's data buffer is valid.



General Failure: Default scan-error category. The cause of the error is unknown, and any information contained in the HACB's data buffer is invalid. This completion code applies to all scan cases.

No More LUNs: The HAM has determined there are no more devices with LUNs to scan for the specified bus and target ID. Once the HAM returns this completion code, NWPA continues the scan process beginning with the next available target ID on the same bus, or the first target ID on the subsequent bus, as appropriate.



Device Not Found: No device responded at the specified Target ID and unit number. Any information contained in the HACB's data buffer is invalid. This completion code applies to Case 1 and Case 2 scans



Bad Target ID/Unit Number: The Target ID or unit number specified in the HACB's host adapter command block was invalid. Any information contained in the HACB's data buffer is invalid. This completion code applies to all scan cases.



Target In Use: The target object is owned by another CDM. Therefore, the current scan request could not be executed. This completion code applies to Case 1, Case 2, and Case 3 scans.



Object Not Found: A CDM issued a Case 3 scan to remove a device object that does not exist from the HAM's device list. The object does not exist because no previous Case 1 or Case 2 scan was issued on the specified Target ID and unit number to create it. Any information contained in the HACB's data buffer is invalid. This completion code applies to Case 3 scans.



No More Devices Found: During the context of HAM_Return_Device_Info (Function 0x02), the HAM has determined there are no more devices to report in its list of devices for the specified bus.

Novell reserves the right to add additional completion codes.