Sequential Read (0x0023)

Reads sequential data from tape.


0x0023 – sequential read request.
Specifies the number of units to be read, where units refers to what was formerly called sectors on fixed media.
Not used.
Not used.
The size of the buffer (that is, the number of units multiplied by the unit size) in bytes. The number of units (parameter0) cannot exceed the maximum number of units as prescribed in the blockSize to the UpdateInfoStruct structure used when the CDM bound to the target device. Additionally, the device's unit size (unitSize field) is specified in this structure.
Points to a buffer in memory where the data is to be read.
The number of units read.

The returnParameter is not a data member of the CDM message structure [see CDMMessageStruct]. However, CDMs supporting this function are required to provide the data specified by returnParameter. The Media Manager passes this value on to the application, and the CDM passes this value to the Media Manager as an input parameter to CDI_Complete_Message.