
Sends a CDM message to a device in order to receive status or diagnostic information about the device. It is used for vendor-specific commands by NLM applications.

Thread Context:Blocking


    LONG NPA_CDM_Passthru (
       LONG  *appReturnCode,
       LONG   deviceObjectID,
       LONG   function,
       LONG   parameter0,
       LONG   parameter1,
       LONG   parameter2,
       LONG   bufferLength,
       void  *buffer


(OUT) Value returned by the managing CDM during CDI_Complete_Message. It can be any LONG value understood by both the application and the specific CDM, because NWPA does not attempt to interpret this value during the context of NPA_CDM_Passthru.
(IN) Media Manager object ID for the device.
Must be either 0x1E or 0x3E.
(IN) Application-specific. Corresponds to the field of the same name in CDMMessageStruct and is generally used for the same purpose. When you are communicating with a custom CDM, use the unique Novell assigned module ID for the target CDM. Upon request, Developer Services can assign a specific ID to your vendor.
(IN) Application-specific. Corresponds to the field of the same name in CDMMessageStruct and is generally used for the same purpose.
(IN) Application-specific. Corresponds to the field of the same name in CDMMessageStruct and is generally used for the same purpose.
(IN) Application-specific. Typically, its value indicates the length, in bytes, of buffer. If it is in scatter/gather format, it contains the number of entries in the scatter/gather request list. It corresponds to the field of the same name in CDMMessageStruct.
(IN) Application-specific. Typically, it points to the virtual address of the CDM message's data buffer. If it is in scatter/gather format, it contains the virtual starting address of the scatter/gather request list. The scatter/gather list is generated by NWPA or a Media Manager application. Depending upon if a read or write operation is occurring, the buffer is where the data is read to or read from. It corresponds to the field of the same name in CDMMessageStruct.

Return Values

The following table lists return values and descriptions.






NPA_CDM_Passthru is used to send vendor-specific requests to the managing CDM of a device. This command sends a request, then returns when the request is complete.

The CDM must understand the parameters being sent, and take the necessary action, including HACBs to the device if needed.