Return Magazine Media Mapping (0x001D - 0x0002)

Directs the CDM to request the return of a structure that provides the slot mapping for a magazine device.


Set to 0x001D – magazine function
0x0002 – return magazine media mapping
Not used.
Not used.
Not used.
Pointer to the buffer where the requested data is to be returned. This value indicates the number of media storage bays the magazine supports. Subsequent references to specific storage slots in this magazine use numbers 1 through n where the number returned here is n.

Return Values

The following table lists return values and descriptions.




IMPORTANT:Mandatory for magazines.

This is a Media Manager control function [packaged in a CDMMessageStruct] that has 0x001D as the value in its function field to identify that it is a function in the magazine category. The value in parameter0 acts as a subfunction index (0x0002) to identify what function to perform. The CDM can either implement a secondary jump table using the value in parameter0 as an index or use a switch statement on parameter0 to call its routine that will field the message.

This message should not be issued until after the Return Magazine Info message is issued.