Test-Driving Password Self-Service

To verify that the features are set up correctly, you can complete the following tasks as part of testing Password Self-Service:

  1. Create a policy with the following characteristics:

    • Enable Forgotten Password
    • Require Challenge Set
    • Select the option to verify that the Challenge Response and Hint are configured on login
    • Assign the Password Policy to a container with at least one user you can use to test with, a user who has the e-mail address indicated on the user object in the Internet EMail Address attribute.
  2. Make sure you have another user to test with who does not have a Password Policy assigned.

  3. Log to Virtual Office as a user with the Password Policy assigned and verify that you are taken through the post-authentication steps of answering the challenge questions and setting a hint.

  4. Return to the iManager self-service console login page again, and click "Forgot your password?" With the user ID for the same user, verify that the challenge questions are correctly presented and that answering them correctly executes the correct action (display hint, allow user to reset password, etc.).

  5. Return to the iManager self-service console login page again, and click "Forgot your password?" Enter the User ID for the user who does not have a Password Policy assigned. Verify that the appropriate errors are given, advising the user that Forgotten Password functionality is not available to them.