
This section provides an overview of the DirXML® Manual Task Service Driver, including some of the information necessary to successfully configure the driver.

The Manual Task Service Driver is designed to notify one or more users that a data event has occurred and whether action is required from the user. In an employee provisioning scenario, the data event might be the creation of a new User object and the user action might include assigning a room number by entering data into Novell® eDirectoryTM or by entering data in an application. Other scenarios include notifying an administrator that a new user object has been created, or notifying an administrator that a user has changed data on an object.

Configuring the Manual Task Service Driver usually consists of configuring two separate but related subsystems: the Subscriber channel policies and e-mail templates, and the Publisher channel Web server templates (and possibly policies).

In addition, driver parameters must be configured, such as SMTP server name and Web server port number.

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