On the machine where you want to silently install Dynamic File Services, copy the DynamicFS setup file and answer file into a folder.
In a Windows Command Prompt console on the machine, enter
DswSetup-x64-v2.2-<build>.exe /s /f1"answer_file_filename"
Replace answer_file_filename with the InstallShield answer file, such as setup.iss.
For example, to install DynamicFS, use the DswSetup-x64-v2.2-<build>.exe file, and specify the answer file that you want to use, enter the following at the command prompt:
DswSetup-x64-v2.2-<build>.exe /s /f1"setup.iss"
The following command assumes the file is named setup.iss and is in the C:\Windows directory or in the same directory as the install executable:
DswSetup-x64-v2.2-<build>.exe /s
You can also use the /sms option to cause the installer to pause until the installation completes:
DswSetup-x64-v2.2-<build>.exe /s /sms