Understanding Backup and Restore Services

About the eDirectory Backup eMTool

The Backup eMTool provides hot continuous backup of the eDirectory database on an individual server. You can back up eDirectory on your server without closing the database, and you still get a complete backup that is a snapshot of the moment when the backup began. This feature means that you can create a backup at any time and eDirectory will be accessible throughout the process. (Hot continuous backup is the default behavior---you can specify a "cold" backup with the database closed, if required.)

The new backup also lets you turn on roll-forward logging to keep a record of transactions in the database since the last backup, so you can restore a server to the state it was in at the moment before it went down. You must turn on roll-forward logging for servers that participate in a replica ring, so that you can restore a server back to the synchronization state that the other servers expect. If you don't, when you try to restore from your backup files you will get errors and the database will not open. Roll-forward logging is off by default. For more information, see Using Roll-Forward Logs.

The new Backup eMTool does not back up all the objects in eDirectory at once; just the partitions on an individual server. This allows for better restore of an individual server and faster backups than the legacy TSA for NDS® backup. (The legacy TSA for NDS backup still works as documented in eDirectory 8.6; both the TSA for NDS and the new backup can be used if necessary.) For a comparison, see What's Different about Backup and Restore in eDirectory 8.7.3?.

The new eDirectory backup tool must be used in conjunction with file system backups to put the eDirectory backup files safely on tape. Novell has partnered with several leading providers of backup solutions. For a list, see NetWare Partner Products: Backup, Restore, & Recovery.

On NetWare, you also might need to use the eDirectory backup tool in conjunction with backups of file system rights. For more information, see Preserving Rights When Restoring File System Data on NetWare.

In iManager, you can use all the features except cold backup, unattended backup, and advanced restore options, as explained in Using Novell iManager for Backup and Restore. All backup and restore tasks including unattended backups can be done using the eMBox Java command line client, as explained in Using the eMBox Client for Backup and Restore.

For a description of the backup and restore options in iManager, see the online help. For a description of the eMBox Client options, see Backup and Restore Command Line Options.

For a description of what the tool does during a restore, see Overview of How the Backup eMTool Does a Restore.

The eDirectory Backup eMTool is part of the eMBox tool set. The eMBox is a service that is installed on the server as part of eDirectory.

The Backup eMTool comprises the following files:

Filename Description


Core library that contains all backup and restore functionality.

This library has no user interface; it is loaded and linked dynamically by the backuptl program.


eMTool interface to the backupcr library. Provides backup and restore functionality through the eMBox architecture.

This can be accessed via the iManager plug-in or the eMBox Client, the Java command line client.


Language file containing messages returned by the Backup eMTool.

For a description of the format for the backup files and log files that the Backup eMTool creates, see Format of the Backup Log File and Format of the Backup File Header.

IMPORTANT:  The restore verification process is backward compatible only with eDirectory 8.5 or later. If you want to use the new backup and restore on servers that participate in a replica ring, make sure you upgrade all the servers in the replica ring to eDirectory 8.5 or later. (See also Restore Verification Is Backward Compatible Only with eDirectory 8.5 or Later.)

What's Different about Backup and Restore in eDirectory 8.7.3?

In previous versions of eDirectory, backup and restore was focused on backing up the tree, object by object.

The new Backup eMTool in eDirectory 8.7 introduced a completely new focus and new architecture. It's server-centric, not tree-centric; you back up the eDirectory database on each server individually. It's much faster than the legacy TSA for NDS backup.

The legacy TSA for NDS backup tool can still be used to back up the tree, although we encourage you to use the new backup.

Backup of server-specific information has been implemented using the Backup eMTool. See Changes to Server-Specific Information Backup (NetWare Only).

For more comparison information, see the following table.

Issue Legacy TSA for NDS Backup Backup eMTool "Hot Continuous Backup"


Designed to back up the tree, object by object.

For more information about the legacy backup utilities (that still work in 8.7 - both kinds of backup can be used if necessary), see "Backing Up and Restoring Novell eDirectory" in the Novell eDirectory 8.6 Administration Guide.

Designed to back up the eDirectory database on each server individually.

Fault tolerance for the whole tree should be provided primarily by replication, but backing up each server provides additional fault tolerance.

When planning a restore strategy for the tree after a disaster in which many servers are lost, consider using DSMASTER servers and replica planning as outlined in Using DSMASTER Servers as Part of Disaster Recovery Planning.



Significantly improved. Speed is one of the most important features of the new backup.

Where the backup is placed

Allows backup to be placed directly to tape.

Places the backup files on the file system.

You must use a file system backup to put them on tape for safe storage.


Performs differently on each platform.

Works the same way on each platform.

Ability to restore individual servers

Not designed to provide this.

Provides the ability to restore an individual server after a hard drive failure or to use backup to move a server from one machine to another.

Provides the option to use roll-forward logging so you can restore a server to the state it was in at the moment before it went down, so it is in the synchronization state expected by other servers in a replica ring.

Has the ability to back up files related to eDirectory on an individual server. You can also create your own list of related files to include with the backup.

Roll-forward logging for an individual server

Not designed to provide this.

Lets you keep a record of transactions in the database since the last backup, so you can restore a server to the state it was in at the moment before it went down. In a multiple-server environment, this allows you to restore a server to the synchronization state that the other servers expect. Roll-forward logging is off by default. For more information, see Using Roll-Forward Logs.

Overview of How the Backup eMTool Does a Restore

Before restoring, you need to collect all your backup files by following the instructions in Preparing for a Restore. When you direct the Backup eMTool to begin the restore through iManager or the eMBox Client, the process is done by the Backup eMTool as follows:

  1. The DS Agent is closed.
  2. The active DIB (Data Information Base) set is switched from the DIB set named NDS to a new DIB set named RST.

    (The existing NDS database is left on the server; if the restore verification fails it will once again become the active DIB set.)

  3. The restore is performed, restoring to the DIB set named RST.
  4. The DIB set is disabled.

    The login disabled attribute is set on the pseudo server, preventing the DS Agent from being able to open using this DIB set.

  5. The roll-forward log settings are reset to the default.

    This means that after a restore, roll-forward logging on the server is always set to off, and the location of the roll-forward logs is reset to the default.

    (If you want roll-forward logging turned on for this server, you must plan to re-create your configuration for roll-forward logging after a restore, to make sure it is turned on and the logs are being saved in a fault-tolerant location. After turning on the roll-forward logs, you must also do a new full backup.)

  6. Verification of the restored RST database is performed.

    The server attempts to verify the consistency of the data that has been restored. It does this by contacting every server that it shares a replica with and comparing the transitive vectors.

    The output from this verification process is printed in the log file.

    If the transitive vector on the remote server is ahead of the local vector, then data is missing from the restore, and the verification fails.

    Here is an example of the information that's recorded in the log file if verification fails for one of the replicas, showing the transitive vectors that were compared:

    Server: \T=LONE_RANGER\O=novell\CN=CHIP 
    Replica: \T=LONE_RANGER\O=novell
    Status: ERROR = -6034
    Local TV Remote TV
    s3D35F377 r02 e002 s3D35F3C4 r02 e002
    s3D35F370 r01 e001 s3D35F370 r01 e001
    s3D35F363 r03 e001 s3D35F363 r03 e001
    s3D35F31E r04 e004 s3D35F372 r04 e002
    s3D35F2EE r05 e001 s3D35F2EE r05 e001
    s3D35F365 r06 e003 s3D35F365 r06 e003

    For more information, see Transitive Vectors and the Restore Verification Process.

  7. If verification is successful, RST is renamed to NDS and the login disabled attribute is cleared so it becomes the active eDirectory database on the server. If verification fails, the RST DIB is not renamed, and the active DIB set is set back to NDS.

    If verification fails, see Recovering the Database If Restore Verification Fails for how to recover the server. (It's possible to force the RST database to be activated and unlocked using advanced restore options, but this is not recommended unless suggested by Novell Support.)

Format of the Backup File Header

The backup files contain a header that you can read to learn important information such as

The header of the backup file for each individual backup is in XML format. Immediately following the header is the backup data from the database in binary code. (Because of the inclusion of binary data at the end of the file, parsing the file would give errors, but the XML header complies with XML standards.) In cases where the backup spanned more than one file, the header information is included in each file in the set.

WARNING:  When opening a backup file, just view the header---make sure you don't try to save or modify the file, or it might become truncated. Most applications can't save the binary data correctly.

The following is the DTD for the XML header. (The DTD is included as part of the header in the backup file as well, for your reference.)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?> 
<!DOCTYPE backup [
<!ELEMENT backup (file|replica)*>
<!ELEMENT replica EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST backup version CDATA #REQUIRED
backup_type (full|incremental) #REQUIRED
compression CDATA "none"
current_log CDATA #REQUIRED
number_of_files CDATA #IMPLIED
backup_file CDATA #REQUIRED
incremental_file_ID CDATA #IMPLIED
next_inc_file_ID CDATA #IMPLIED>
encoding CDATA "base64"
type (user|nici) #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST replica partition_DN CDATA #REQUIRED
modification_time CDATA #REQUIRED
Unknown) #REQUIRED>

The following table explains the attributes in the DTD.

Attribute Explanation

backup version

Version of the Backup tool.

backup backup_type

Type of backup being performed, either full or incremental. (A cold backup is a full backup.)

backup idtag

A GUID based on the time of backup. This helps in identifying the backup, even if the filename of the backup file is changed.

backup time

Date and time the backup was started.

backup srvname

Distinguished name of the server being backed up.

backup dsversion

eDirectory version running on the server.

backup compression

Whether the Backup eMTool has used compression on the backup data. This only applies to the backup data; the header itself will never be compressed.

backup os

Operating system the backup was performed on. We recommend that you restore only to the same operating system.

backup current_log

First roll-forward log that is required when restoring this backup. This helps you collect the correct set of files for a restore.

backup number_of_files

Number of files in the backup set. This value appears only in the first backup file.

backup backup_file

Filename of the current backup.

If the backup spans multiple files, then the header for each file will show the filename including a number appended to show its order in the set. For an example of the filenames in a set of backup files, see -s file_size.

backup incremental_file_ID

If this is an incremental backup, this attribute shows the ID of the incremental file.

backup next_inc_file_ID

The ID that the next incremental backup will have when it is created. This helps you collect the correct set of files for a restore.

file size

Size of the data between the <file> tags for this file.

file name

Name and location of the file when it was backed up.

file encoding

The encoding algorithm used on the file.

file type

Indicates whether the file is a NICI file or a user included file.

replica partition_DN

Distinguished name of the partition.

This is helpful if you did not have the placement of your replicas documented. If you experienced a disaster in which many server were lost, the list of replicas shown in the backup file header might help you decide which servers to restore first.

replica modification_time

Transitive vector for this replica at the time of the backup.

replica replica_type

Type of replica, such as master or read-only.


State of the replica at the time of the backup, such as On or New Replica.

The following is an example of a backup file header from a Windows NT server:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?> 
<!DOCTYPE backup [
<!ELEMENT backup (file|replica)*>
<!ELEMENT replica EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST backup version CDATA #REQUIRED
backup_type (full|incremental) #REQUIRED
compression CDATA "none"
current_log CDATA #REQUIRED
number_of_files CDATA #IMPLIED
backup_file CDATA #REQUIRED
incremental_file_ID CDATA #IMPLIED
next_inc_file_ID CDATA #IMPLIED>
encoding CDATA "base64"
type (user|nici) #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST replica partition_DN CDATA #REQUIRED
modification_time CDATA #REQUIRED
Unknown) #REQUIRED>

<backup version="2" backup_type="full" idtag="3D611DA2" time="2002-8-19'T10:32:35" srvname="\T=MY_TREE\O=novell\CN=DSUTIL-DELL-NDS" dsversion="1041081" compression="none" os="windows" current_log="00000003.log" next_inc_file_ID="2" number_of_files="0000001" backup_file="c:\backup\header.bak"><replica partition_DN="\T=MY_TREE" modification_time="s3D611D95_r1_e2" replica_type="MASTER" replica_state="ON" /><replica partition_DN="\T=MY_TREE\O=part1" modification_time="s3D611D95_r1_e2" replica_type="MASTER" replica_state="ON" /><replica partition_DN="\T=MY_TREE\O=part2" modification_time="s3D611D95_r1_e2" replica_type="MASTER" replica_state="ON" /><replica partition_DN="\T=MY_TREE\O=part3" modification_time="s3D611D96_r1_e2" replica_type="MASTER" replica_state="ON" /><file size="190" name="C:\WINNT\system32\novell\nici\bhawkins\XARCHIVE.001" encoding="base64" type="nici">the data is included here</file>

<file size="4228" name="C:\WINNT\system32\novell\nici\bhawkins\XMGRCFG.KS2" encoding="base64" type="nici">the data is included here</file>

<file size="168" name="C:\WINNT\system32\novell\nici\bhawkins\XMGRCFG.KS3" encoding="base64" type="nici">the data is included here</file>

<file size="aaac" name="C:\WINNT\system32\novell\nici\nicintacl.exe" encoding="base64" type="nici">the data is included here</file>

<file size="150" name="C:\WINNT\system32\novell\nici\NICISDI.KEY" encoding="base64" type="nici">the data is included here

<file size="4228" name="C:\WINNT\system32\novell\nici\system\Xmgrcfg.ks2" encoding="base64" type="nici">the data is included here

<file size="168" name="C:\WINNT\system32\novell\nici\system\Xmgrcfg.ks3" encoding="base64" type="nici">the data is included here

<file size="1414" name="C:\WINNT\system32\novell\nici\xmgrcfg.wks" encoding="base64" type="nici">the data is included here


After the header, the binary data for the backup of the database is included in the backup file.

Format of the Backup Log File

The eDirectory Backup eMTool keeps a log that shows a high-level view of Backup eMTool activity, containing information about previous backups. The log file contains a history of all backups, records backup start time and end time, and contains information about possible errors during the backup process. This file is appended with each backup. It is also placed in a location you specify.

It is useful for reviewing whether unattended backups were successful. The success or failure and the error code are displayed on the last line.

The Backup eMTool log file also gives the ID of backups that have been done, which helps you gather the correct set of full and incremental backup files for a restore. The first four lines are duplicates of information in the header of the backup file.

Also recorded in the log file are other files that were included in the backup of the database, such as the files you specified in an include file.

For a restore, it will record the included files that were restored.

The following are two examples of log file entries:

|==================DSBackup Log: Backup================| 
Backup type: Full
Log file name: sys:/backup/backup.log
Backup started: 2002-6-21'T19:53:5GMT
Backup file name: sys:/backup/backup.bak
Current Roll Forward Log: 00000001.log
DS Version: 1041072
Backup ID: 3D138421
Starting database backup...
Database backup finished
Completion time 00:00:03
Backup completed successfully

|==================DSBackup Log: Restore================|
Log file name: sys:/save/doc.log
Restore started: 2002-7-19'T19:1:34GMT
Restore file name: sys:/backup/backup.bak
Starting database restore...
Restoring file sys:/backup/backup.bak
Database restore finished
Completion time 00:00:15
Restore completed successfully

Using DSMASTER Servers as Part of Disaster Recovery Planning

If you have a multiple-server environment and want to plan for recovery after a disaster in which all your servers are lost, you can use DSMASTER servers as part of the plan for your tree.

The Backup eMTool is used to back up each server separately; it is server-centric, not tree-centric. However, if you create DSMASTER servers, you can use Backup eMTool functionality specifically to back up your whole tree structure. An example of this strategy is outlined in Scenario: Losing All Servers in a Multiple-Server Environment.

When restoring after a disaster, one of the main concerns is how to avoid restoring replicas of the same partition that are inconsistent with each other. If you lose roll-forward logs for your servers as part of a disaster, you won't be able to restore all your servers to the same moment in time. Without the roll-forward logs, the replicas you have in your backups are inconsistent with each other and would cause problems if they were all restored and brought into the tree together. (The restore verification process is designed to help prevent these problems; by default a restored eDirectory database will not open after the restore if it is inconsistent with the other replicas.)

You can use DSMASTER servers to help you prepare for this issue, by creating a master copy of your tree that you could use as a starting point.

To use DSMASTER servers to help prepare for a disaster:

If your tree is designed this way, in the event of a disaster you could get your tree structure up and running again quickly by restoring just that one server (or small group of key servers) and making sure the replicas it holds are designated as the master replicas.

After your tree structure is responding again, you could then move to the task of restoring other servers that were lost, using just the full and incremental backup files. Because you don't have the roll-forward logs, the verification of the restore process will fail for these other servers. To bring them back into the tree, you would remove them from the replica ring, change all their replica information to external references using DSRepair, and then re-add the replicas to the servers using replication from the copy on the DSMASTER server. These steps are documented in Recovering the Database If Restore Verification Fails.

If a disaster occurs in which you lose many servers but not all, the issues with replicas will probably be complex, and you should contact Novell Support.

Transitive Vectors and the Restore Verification Process

A transitive vector is a time stamp for a replica. It is made up of a representation of the number of seconds since a common specific point in history (January 1, 1970), the replica number, and the current event number. Here's an example:

s3D35F377 r02 e002

In the context of backup and restore, it's important because the transitive vector is used to verify that the server restored is in sync with the replica rings it participates in.

Servers that hold replicas of the same partition communicate with each other to keep the replicas synchronized. Each time a server communicates with another server in the replica ring, it keeps a record of the transitive vector the other server had when they communicated. These transitive vectors allow the servers in a replica ring to know what information needs to be sent to each replica in the ring to keep all the replicas synchronized. When a server goes down, it stops communicating, and the other servers don't send updates or change the transitive vector they have recorded for that server until the server starts communicating again.

When you restore eDirectory on a server, the restore verification process compares the transitive vector of the server being restored to the other servers in the replica ring. This is done to make sure that the replicas being restored are in the same state that the other servers expect.

If the transitive vector on the remote server is ahead of the local vector, then data is missing from the restore, and the verification fails. (For example, data might be missing because you did not turn on continuous roll-forward logging before the last full or incremental backup, you did not include the roll-forward logs in the restore, or the set of roll-forward logs you provided for the restore was not complete.)

By default the restored eDirectory database is not opened if it is inconsistent with the other replicas.

For an example of the log file entry when transitive vectors don't match, see Overview of How the Backup eMTool Does a Restore.

For a description of compatibility issues that could cause the restore verification to fail, see Restore Verification Is Backward Compatible Only with eDirectory 8.5 or Later.

For information on what to do if the restore verification fails, see Recovering the Database If Restore Verification Fails.

Restore Verification Is Backward Compatible Only with eDirectory 8.5 or Later

The restore verification process is backward compatible only with eDirectory 8.5 or later. If the server you are restoring participates in a replica ring with a server running an earlier version than eDirectory 8.5, the restore log will show a -666 error (incompatible DS version) for that replica. This does not indicate whether the replicas are out of sync; it merely indicates that the restore verification was unable to compare the transitive vectors because the version of eDirectory was earlier than 8.5.

By default the database will not open because the restore verification was not completely successful. However, you can use your best judgement in this case; if the only error was from an 8.5 server, and the other servers verified successfully, it might be safe to open the database, using the override restore option in the eMBox Client.

Another option might be to remove the server with the older version from the replica ring, and try the restore again.

For more information about the restore process and transitive vectors, see Overview of How the Backup eMTool Does a Restore and Transitive Vectors and the Restore Verification Process.

Preserving Rights When Restoring File System Data on NetWare

On NetWare only, restoring file system rights (also called trustee assignments) is dependent on the object that is the trustee being present in eDirectory. Because of this relationship, you need to use caution when restoring eDirectory and file system data on NetWare, to preserve file system rights.

If you restore eDirectory before restoring file system data, file system rights should be preserved when file system data is restored. However, you should be aware of the issue. Test for potential problems and take preventive action if necessary.

Why a Restore Could Potentially Affect File System Rights

As part of your preparation to restore eDirectory, you need to do a new installation of eDirectory creating a new temporary tree, either on a new storage device to replace a failed one that held volume sys:, or on a new machine if you are migrating a server from one machine to another.

A brand-new installation of eDirectory will not contain the objects that trustee rights have been assigned for. (Of course, the objects will be restored when eDirectory is restored.)

When file system data is restored, the file system restore looks for the trustee objects in eDirectory. If an object which is a trustee does not exist in the eDirectory database (such as in a new installation before eDirectory has been restored), it's possible that rights assignments for that object might be removed from the file system.

How to Address the Issue If Necessary

You can address the potential issues with restores and file system rights/trustee assignments in a few different ways:

  • Most importantly, restore eDirectory before restoring the file system.

    You can do a new installation and restore eDirectory without taking any special measures, and after eDirectory is restored, you can plan to do a file system restore for any files you need the file system rights/trustee assignments to be recovered for.

  • As part of your backup strategy, you can use trustbar.nlm to back up and restore file system rights/trustee assignments, or other third-party software that lets you do the same thing. This way, you can restore trustee assignments to the file system if necessary, after eDirectory is restored.

    You could schedule backups of the file system rights/trustee assignments at intervals similar to the schedule you use to back up eDirectory and the file system.

    NOTE:  You can schedule the backup of file system rights using third-party scheduling software or cron.nlm, available from the Novell Support Web site.

  • You can reconfigure your storage system to reduce the probability of failures that require restoring eDirectory and file system data. For example, by using a RAID system or another configuration, you can reduce the chances of loss of data if an individual storage device fails. If you have a redundant sys: volume and suffer a device failure, it's more likely that a new installation of eDirectory and a file system restore would not be necessary.
  • If you restore the file system data before eDirectory for some reason, and you lose rights, you can do the file system restore again after restoring eDirectory.
  • You can make sure that no volumes except sys: are mounted until eDirectory is restored, such as in a case where a storage device failure affects the sys: volume but other storage devices on the server are still functioning.

    One way to ensure that volumes will not be mounted is to disconnect the storage devices from the server before the new installation of NetWare and eDirectory, and then reconnect them after the eDirectory restore is complete.

    After eDirectory is restored, if necessary you could do a file system restore of sys: to recover rights on the sys: volume.