Changing Advanced Properties of an Existing UI Handler

To see or modify working examples of these properties, you should explore the UIHandlers.XML file located in the \eGuide\WEB-INF\plugins\eGuide directory.

Although most UI Handlers only need to be selected from the eGuide Aministration Utility, there are some additional settings that might be useful for advanced configuration.

These settings are specific to each UI Handler's Data Handler. Data Handlers are beyond the scope of this document, but you don't necessarily need to understand Data Handlers to use their features. The basic idea is that each UI Handler has a corresponding Data Handler. The Data Handler knows how to store and retrieve information to the LDAP data source. The advanced properties allow the administrator to change some of the behaviors in the storing and retrieving process.

For example, you might choose to display your LDAP DN attribute using a set of different attributes. These Abstracted attributes are stored on the object that the DN specifies (not on the object where the DN attribute is located); therefore, you must specify which attributes for which eGuide should do an additional read, in order to display the attributes.