realmtool - The Basic Realm Management Tool

realmtool is used to manage instances of the Basic Security Realm implementation provided by the ORB. You can add, delete, and list users in the realm.


realmtool -realm <properties file>


The ORB provides pluggable authentication support (see Security Service section of the ORB Tutorial). The list of legal users for an application and authentication (using basic and digest mechanisms defined in HTTP 1.1) support can be provided by user defined Security Realms. You can write your own realm or use the Basic Realm that comes with the ORB. The realmtool manages instances of Basic realms.

You can add, delete, and list users using the realmtool commands:

list the users in the realm
add <user>
add a user; the tool will promt for a password
delete <user>
delete a user
verify <user>
verify that the user belongs to the realm; the tool 
will prompt for the user password
save the properties file
quit the realmtool


-realm propertiesFile
The realm is defined to the ORB using a Java properties file. You can give the name of a pre existing file or the name of a new file. After manipulating the realm, when you quit the realmtool, it saves all the users back into the properties file. The properties file should be copied to the db/realms directory.

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