rmi2soap- Novell exteNd WSSDK RMI to SOAP compiler

rmi2soap is the Novell exteNd Web Services SDK RMI to SOAP compiler.


rmi2soap [options] package-qualified-class-name(s)

where options include:
    -action <uri>        specify the SOAPAction
    -addr <url>          specify the binding for the service
    -attachment <method:arg[n|result]> specify argument of method as attachment
    -classpath <path>    specify where to find user class files
    -clienthandler <class> handler to be registered with the client
    -document            document style (default is rpc)
    -ds <directory>      destination directory for generated source files
    -encoding <uri>      specify the encodingStyle
    -gencallclient       generate a call based sample client for the web service
    -genclient           generate a sample client for the web service
    -genserver           generate a sample server for the web service
    -header <method:arg[n|result]> specify argument of method as a header part
    -help                print out this message
    -J<vm flag>          pass argument to the java interpreter
    -keep                do not delete generated source files
    -keepgenerated       same as -keep
    -literal             literal use (default is encoded)
    -mdb                 generate a message driven bean skeleton
    -nocompile           do not compile the generated source files
    -nomarshalers        do not generate marshalers
    -noserv              do not generate the service interfaces
    -noskel              do not generate the skeletons
    -nostub              do not generate the stubs
    -notie               do not generate the TIE based skeletons
    -pkgns <pkg> <ns>    map package pkg to namespace ns
    -serverhandler <class> handler to be registered with the server
    -servicename <name>  specify the name of the generated service
    -servimplext <ext>   extension to be added to the service implementation name
    -transport <uri>     specify the transport URI
    -typemapping <file>  load type mappings from file
    -verbose             turn verbose mode on
    -version             show version and build information
    -wsdllocation <url>  the URL to be returned by getWSDLDocumentLocation()
    -xmlns <ns>          specify the XML namespace for the interface
    -xsd <uri>           specify the XML Schema URI
java-compiler options:
    java-compiler options:
    -classpath <path>    specify where to find user class files
    -d <directory>       destination directory for classes
    -depend              make compiler consider compiling dependencies
    -g                   enable generation of debugging information
    -nowarn              generate no warnings from Java compiler
    -O                   generate optimized code


The rmi2soap compiler transforms Java remote interfaces (RMI) into SOAP stubs and skeletons. This compiler is typically used by developers who need stubs and skeletons to call or implement a Web Service based on Java RMI. If the WSDL is available, developers will often prefer to use the wsdl2java compiler.


-action <uri>
Use the specified URI for the SOAPAction.
-addr <url>
The default endpoint address for the service. When using this option, the generated stub will by default invoke on the Web Service located at this address.
-attachment <method:arg[n | result]>
To specify that a particular argument or return value of a method should be an attachment in the generated SOAP message. Here method is the name of the method, arg0 is the first parameter of the method, arg(n-1) is the last parameter of the method, and result is the return value of the method. Use the -attachment flag once for each parameter specified.
Set the classpath available to the java compiler (javac) when compiling the generated Java files.
-clienthandler <class>
Register the specified class as a JAX-RPC handler for the Client. Use the -clienthandler flag once for each handler to be registered for the Client.
Make the binding style document instead of rpc. By default, the rmi2wsdl compiler will generate an rpc style SOAP binding.
-ds <directory>
Output generated Java files to the specified directory. The directory will automatically be created if it doesn't exist. This option only has meaning when used in conjunction with the -keep option.
-encoding <uri>
Use the specified encoding style URI.
This flag will cause the compiler to generate a sample client that uses the call API, which can be used to invoke the Web Service(s).
This flag will cause the compiler to generate a sample client, which can be used to invoke the Web Service(s).
This flag will cause the compiler to generate a sample server implementation of the Web Service(s).
-header <method:arg[n | result]>
To specify that a particular argument or return value of a method should be carried in the Header of the generated SOAP message. Here method is the name of the method, arg0 is the first parameter of the method, arg(n-1) is the last parameter of the method, and result is the return value of the method. Use the -header flag once for each parameter specified.
Prints out the command syntax.
-J<vm flag>
Pass a flag to the jvm. As an example -J-Xms100m sets the maximum heap size to 100 MB when running rmi2soap.
Keep the source files generated by the rmi2soap compiler. Typically, developers will not need the generated stub and skeleton source files so the default behavior is to delete those files.
Same as -keep.
Make the use of messages in the SOAP bindings literal instead of encoded. By default, the rmi2soap compiler will generate encoded message definitions.
Instruct the compiler to generate Message Driven Bean based skeletons instead of Servlet based skeletons. This means that the skeleton class will implement the javax.ejb.MessageDrivenBean and java.jms.MessageListener interfaces instead of the usual javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet class.
Do not compile generated Java source into class files. This option is typically used with the -keep option.
Instruct the rmi2soap compiler not to generate marshaler classes.
Instruct the rmi2soap compiler not to generate service classes. This option can be used for server-side implementations that don't use the service interface.
Instructs the compiler not to generate skeletons. This option is typically used by developers who are implementing Web Services client applications, but do not need to implement the Web Service itself.
Instruct the compiler not to generate stubs. This options is typically used by developers who only wish to implement a Web Service, but do not require calling said Web Service.
Instruct the compiler not to generate tie classes. Tie classes are also used by Web Service developers and is an advanced server-side construct that allows delegation to another Java class.
-pkgns <pkg> <ns>
Map the specified Java package name to a namespace. Use this flag once for each mapping.
-serverhandler <class>
Register the specified class as a JAX-RPC handler for the Server. Use the -serverhandler flag once for each handler to be registered for the Server.
-servicename <name>
Use the specified name for the generated Service class. The default Service class name is derived by adding "Service" to the interface name.
-servimplext <ext>
Use the specified ext as the extension for the name of the Service Implementation class. The default extension is "_Impl".
-transport <uri>
Use the specified transport URI.
-typemapping <file>
Load type mappings from file. This argument can be specified multiple times.
Print out details about the compilation.
Print out the version and build information of Novell exteNd WSSDK.
-wsdllocation  <url>
Specify the URL to be returned by the getWSDLDocumentLocation() method of the Service.
-xmlns <ns>
Use ns as the targetNamespace in SOAP messages produced by the generated stubs and skeletons. Method names and parameter names are scoped to this namespace when SOAP messages goes on the wire.
-xsd <uri>
Use uri as the XML Schema string in outgoing SOAP messages. The default value is "http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema".


Set the classpath available to the java compiler (javac) when compiling the generated Java files.
-d <directory>
Set the output directory for compiled class files. The directory will automatically be created if it doesn't exist. Depending on the package of the source file additional directories may be created below this directory.
Make the javac compiler consider dependencies.
Enables generation of debugging information.
Do not generate warning messages from the javac compiler.
Generates optimized code.

Copyright © 2001-2003, Novell, Inc. All rights reserved.