Doors Transport for Solaris

The Doors Transport for Solaris feature of the ORB provides added intra-machine performance boost. Instead of using IIOP (sending GIOP messages over TCP/IP,) the GIOP messages are sent using the Solaris Doors APIs.

Enabling the Doors Transport

The ORB's Doors Transport support requires Solaris 2.6 or higher and Java 2 running with native threads. No source code changes are required to enable the use of Doors; the ORB property ORBUseDoors needs to be passed to ORB.init. For example, to enable the gateway server to use doors, start it using:

   bin/solaris/gateway -ORBUseDoors true

A ORB started server can be enabled to use Solaris Doors by setting the ORBUseDoors property in the server's deployment descriptor. This can be done by either setting -DORBUseDoors=true as part of the server.vmflags deployment descriptor property, or -ORBUseDoors true as part of the server.args deployment descriptor property.

Sample Programs using Solaris Doors

If you have the performance pack for Solaris installed, then you can run all the examples in the ORB tutorial by modifying the ANT build file or by uncommenting the server.vmflags property in the various server deployment descriptors.

The cleandoors Utility

A Solaris door is published by the server to the client using the filesystem. Each door is represented by a file in the /tmp/jbroker/doors directory. As ORB programs come and go, they may leave behind files in this directory. The cleandoors utility deletes these unused files.

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