5.14 Modifying Proxy Agent Assignments for NAS Devices

Performing scans and generating reports on the contents of NAS devices is done through NFR Agents that serve as proxy agents for the NAS devices. The proxy associations are listed in the sragentproxy.dat file. To modify the proxy associations, simply modify the listed associations at the bottom of the sragentproxy.dat file.

For more information, see Configuring Proxy Agents for NAS Devices in the Novell File Reporter 1.0.2 Installation Guide.

When you have modified a proxy association by replacing the name of one NFR Agent with another, you should delete all scheduled scans, and scheduled reports that pertain to the former proxy association. This eliminates inconsistent results when working with scans.

For procedures to remove a scan, see Section 4.6, Removing a Scan. For procedures to remove a scheduled scan, see Section 4.7, Clearing a Scan Schedule. For procedures to remove a scheduled report, see Section 5.10, Removing a Scheduled Report.