1.9 Moving an Existing Linux GroupWise System into a Linux Cluster

If you are adding the high availability benefits of OES Cluster Services to a GroupWise system that is already up and running, the first step is to install OES Cluster Services, following the instructions in OES Cluster Services for Linux Administration Guide for your version of OES Linux. You should also review Introduction to GroupWise and OES Cluster Services on Linux to help you apply clustering principles and practices to your GroupWise system.

You do not need to transfer your entire GroupWise system into the cluster all at once. You can transfer individual post offices where the needs for high availability are greatest. You can transfer a domain and all of its post offices at the same time. You might decide that you don’t need to have all of your GroupWise system running in the cluster.

This section provides a checklist to help you get started with moving your GroupWise system into a clustering environment: