Provides an email address.
Property |
Access |
Description |
Application |
R/O |
Application. The Application object. |
Count |
R/O |
Long. The number of items in this collection. |
_NewEnum |
R/O |
Enumeration object. Implements IEnumVARIANT. For Windows only. |
Parent |
R/O |
AddressBookEntry pointer. The Dispatch pointer at the Address Book Entry object that owns this Collection. |
Adds a new Email Address to the collection. The new address is given by the passed in String NewEMailAddress. Returns an EMailAddress object. Throws an exception if the given Email Address is already in the collection.
Default. Returns the EMailAddress object located at the given Index in the collection. Valid indexes are 1 through Count, inclusive. Throws an exception if the index is outside of this range.