A.2 Edit Enhancements for Appointments, Tasks, and Reminder Notes

When an appointment, task, or reminder note is edited, changes simply appear on the item of the recipient with no message appearing in the users’ mailbox. Notification banners inside the item and unread (bold) text indicate to users that the item has been modified.

Users are prompted to re-accept the item only in the following circumstances:

Appointments: If changes are made to the date, time, or place of the appointment. New recipients who are added to the appointment must also re-accept. Users who are removed from the appointment receive a notification.

Tasks: If changes are made to the start date, due date, or message description.

Reminder Notes: If changes are made to the date.

NOTE:You are not prompted to retract the appointment when you edit an appointment.

For more information, see Section 3.2.5, Editing Sent Appointments, Tasks, and Reminder Notes.

To see a video demonstration of this feature, see Appointment Modification in the Subject, Message, or To List, and Appointment Modification When Changing the Place or Time.