You can run an audit report in a post office to see the following:
Which mailboxes have been accessed using Full Licenses and which mailboxes have been accessed using Limited Licenses. A mailbox is considered to be a Full License mailbox if a user has logged in with the GroupWise client in the last 60 days.
Which mailboxes are active (have been accessed at least one time), which ones have never been active, and which ones have been inactive for a specified period of time. The time period for measuring account activity is established by the Log Accounts without Activity for Previous setting when you run an audit report.
Mailbox size, last login time, and last client type for all active mailboxes.
The client type of each active license for each user is set by using Client Options > Environment > Client Access on Domain, Post Office, and User objects.
Which mailboxes have been given Inactive status before the specified time period has passed.
A GroupWise mailbox can be given Inactive status on the User object Account tab. An older GroupWise mailbox cannot be given Inactive status.
A mailbox requires a Full License if it has been accessed by any of the following:
The GroupWise client (grpwise.exe)
GroupWise Notify (notify.exe) or GroupWise Address Book (addrbook.exe)
GroupWise Address Book (addrbook.exe)
A third-party plug-in to the GroupWise client API
A mailbox requires only a Limited License if access to it has been limited to the following:
GroupWise Web (including mobile devices)
GroupWise client or GroupWise Web via the Proxy feature
GroupWise client or GroupWise Web via the Busy Search feature
A POP client
An IMAP client
A SOAP client such as GroupWise Web or the GroupWise Mobility Service
A third-party plug-in to the GroupWise SOAP protocol
A mailbox is considered active for licensing purposes if its owner has performed at least one of the following actions in the mailbox:
Sending a message
Opening a message
Deleting a message
Accessing the mailbox from a non-GroupWise client (for example, a POP3 email client) through the GWIA
A mailbox is considered inactive for licensing purposes even if its owner has performed one or more of the following actions (or similar actions):
Starting and stopping the GroupWise client without doing anything in the mailbox
Making changes under Tools > Options
Creating, modifying, or deleting rules
Granting proxy access so that a user other than the mailbox owner is performing tasks that would otherwise indicate an active mailbox
A GroupWise mailbox can be marked Inactive on the User object Account tab. An older GroupWise mailbox cannot be marked Inactive.
To generate an audit report for the post office:
In the GroupWise Administration Console, browse to and click the name of the post office.
Click Maintenance > Mailbox/Library Maintenance.
In the Action field, select Audit Report.
In the Log Accounts without Activity for previous xx Days field, select the number of days you want to use for the inactivity report.
The Mailbox/Library Maintenance feature uses the default setting (60 days) to flag all mailboxes that have not had any activity within the last 60 days. Select a different number to change the time period of the log you generate for the audit report. For example, you could generate a log report for the last 30 days. However, if you view the audit information by using Tools > GroupWise Diagnostics > Information on a System, Domain, or Post Office object, the information is always listed for the 60-day default time period.
(Conditional) If you want write the report to a log file, click the Logging tab, and then specify a name for the log file.
By default, the results are sent as an email message to the domain’s notification user.
(Conditional) If you want to send the results to additional users:
Click the Results tab.
Specify the users’ email addresses as a comma-delimited list in the CC field.
Click Message to add personalized text to the message, and then click OK.
Click OK to send the event to the POA.
After the POA has performed the task, the audit report is sent to the users specified on the Results tab. The audit report lists all users who are currently considered inactive and flags those that have been inactive for longer than the number of days specified in the Log Accounts without Activity for nn Days field.
Audit reports are stored as part of the information available on Post Office and Domain objects in the GroupWise Administration Console. Browse to and click the name of a Domain or Post Office object, and then click Diagnostics > Information. The information stored on the Domain object is cumulative for all post offices in the domain for which audit reports have been run.
Audit reports can also be scheduled to run on a regular basis by properly configuring the POA to perform a Mailbox/Library Maintenance event. See Scheduling Database Maintenance.