3.8 Clearing Accumulated GroupWise Events

When the GroupWise Sync Agent stops synchronizing for some reason, GroupWise events accumulate in users’ GroupWise mailbox databases until the GroupWise Sync Agent resumes synchronization.

By default, when the GroupWise Sync Agent restarts, it processes all accumulated events. This default behavior prevents the loss of events and is the desired behavior for normal GroupWise Sync Agent functioning. However, when you are troubleshooting a problem with the GroupWise Sync Agent, you might find it helpful to skip processing accumulated events so that the GroupWise Sync Agent starts processing current events more quickly.

To clear old events (not recommended unless you are troubleshooting):

  1. In the Mobility Admin console, click Config, then click GroupWise to display the GroupWise Sync Agent Configuration page .

  2. In the Clear Old Events field, select Enable.

    This causes the GroupWise Sync Agent to discard accumulated events and start processing new events immediately. The discarded events are never processed.

  3. Click Save to save the new setting(s).

  4. Restart the Mobility Service:

    gms restart

IMPORTANT:As soon as you are finished troubleshooting, return to the GroupWise Sync Agent Configuration page and deselect Clear Old Events, so that GroupWise events are not accidentally lost during normal GroupWise Sync Agent functioning.