Capturing and viewing SOAP/XML data on the wire is a good way to debug problems. There are two ways to capture SOAP/XML data:
Microsoft provides a debugging trace tool with the SOAP Toolkit 3. It allows you to view the SOAP and XML requests and responses between clients and servers. However, the XML data can be viewed only if SSL is disabled. To download this trace utility, see Microsoft’s Web site. This trace utility executable is called MsSoapT3.exe. The toolkit is a precursor to .NET. The trace utility runs only on Windows, but there are other trace utilities that accomplish the same thing.
You can also set the gwTrace element in each request to True. If gwTrace is True, the request and response are written to the POA log directory. This is a good way to view request and responses that are encrypted with SSL. The files take on the format of datexml.001. For example, a request response might have a file name of 1006xml.001. It is a good idea to clean up the temporary files.
To view the GroupWise Web Service method calls in the POA log files, change the POA log level to Diagnostic. The user and the method are logged this way. If the POA is in normal or verbose mode, only the login and logout methods are written to the log files.