Adds existing address book items (such as contacts, resources, organizations, and groups) to an existing personal address book group.
<addMembersRequest> <container/> <members/> </addMembersRequest>
<addMembersResponse> <status/> </addMembersResponse>
Specifies the ID of the group.
Points to existing personal address book items to add to the group that is specified in the container element.
The GroupMember element provides parameters that are not used. For example, the name element can be set in the GroupMember element. However, the item name on the actual personal address book item is not changed.
Returns the error number related to the event. 0 indicates that the request was successful.
Returns the success or failure of the method.
<addMembersRequest> <container>44EB3142.domain1.po1.104.16E3837.1.F0.1@58:44F83F1D. domain1.po1.104.16E3837.1.F8.1@53</container> <members> <member> <id>44EB3142.domain1.po1.104.16E3837.1.F0.1@58:42C510EA. domain1.po1.104.16E3837.1.3.1@53</id> <distType>TO</distType> </member> </members> </addMembersRequest>