Retrieves changes in the GroupWise Address Book. It returns a list of items that have changed in the GroupWise Address Book since the last call to getDeltasRequest.
<getDeltasRequest"> <container type="types:uid"/> <view type="types:View"/> <deltaInfo type="types:DeltaInfo"/> </getDeltasRequest>
<getDeltasResponse> <items type="types:Items"/> <deltaInfo type="types:DeltaInfo"/> <status type="types:Status"/> </getDeltasResponse>
Specifies the uid of the GroupWise Address Book. This is the only valid container at this time.
Specifies the elements returned for each item. The view reduces the amount of data returned. If a view is not specified, all item elements are returned.
Specifies the current state of the GroupWise Address Book.
Specifies the items that have changed in the GroupWise Address Book since the last synchronization.
Specifies the current state of the GroupWise Address Book.
Returns the error number related to the event. 0 indicates that the request was successful.
Returns the success or failure of the method.
getDeltasRequest tracks additions, deletions, and modifications to the GroupWise Address Book, which is a good way to synchronize a local copy of the GroupWise Address Book.
The following are the steps required to retrieve and synchronize the GroupWise Address Book:
Get all the items in the GroupWise Address Book.
Get the current state of the GroupWise Address Book by calling getDeltaInfoRequest.
After a period of time, during which the GroupWise Address Book changed, call getDeltasRequest to retrieve the list of changes, passing the deltaInfo element that was returned in Step 2.
<getDeltasRequest> <container>GroupWiseSystemAddressBook@52</container> <view/> <deltaInfo> <firstSequence>23</firstSequence> <lastSequence>23</lastSequence> <lastTimePORebuild >0</lastTimePORebuild> </deltaInfo> </getDeltasRequest> <getDeltasResponse> <items> <item type="Contact"> <id>EDC03180-01EE-0000-9D71- 9E00F4007600@56:GroupWiseSystemAddressBook@52</id> <name>Admin Admin</name> <version>1</version> <uuid>EDC03180-01EE-0000-9D71-9E00F4007600</uuid> <sync>update</sync> <domain>domain1</domain> <postOffice>po1</postOffice> <distinguishedName>Admin.GW</distinguishedName> <userid>Admin</userid> <fullName> <displayName>Admin Admin</displayName> <firstName>Admin</firstName> <lastName>Admin</lastName> </fullName> <emailList primary="Admin.po1.domain1"> <email>Admin.po1.domain1</email> </emailList> </tem> </items> <deltaInfo> <count>1</count> <lastSequence>23</lastSequence> <lastTimePORebuild>0</lastTimePORebuild> </deltaInfo> <status> <code>0</code> </status> </getDeltasResponse>