Returns a set of items in a container (folders, address books, or libraries). There are three ways to specify the items to return: specify the container in the container's element, specify the item IDs in the items element, or specify a filter.
<getItemsRequest> <container type="types:uid" /> <view type="string"/> <filter type="types:Filter" /> <items type="types:ItemRefList" /> <count type="int" />
<getItemsResponse> <items type="types:Items /> <sids type="string" /> <status type="types:Status" />
(optional) Specifies the folder, address book, or library container ID. If the container is not specified, the filter is used. If the filter is not present, an error is returned.
Specifies the elements returned for each item. The view reduces the amount of data returned. If a view is not specified, all item elements are returned.
Specifies the items to return based on a filter.
Specifies a list of item ids to return.
If “sids” is supplied in the view, the items are returned in the as a space delimited string of sid (short ID's) values.
GroupWise 2012 and later.
Specifies the number of items to return. If the count element is -1, all items are returned.
Returns the specified items.
Specifies the error number related to the event. 0 indicates that the request was successful.
Returns the success or failure of the method.
This method is used to get the following item types:
Query Folders
Shared Folders
GroupWise Address Book
Personal Address Book
If a container is not supplied, either a filter or an item reference list is required to limit the search. Also, if the container is not specified, all folders are searched.
The getItemsRequest reads all the items in the specified container. The number of items returned can be reduced by providing the count element. For example, if a container has 4,000 items, getItemsRequest returns all 4,000 items if a count is not specified. If a count of 200 is specified, 4,000 items are read and only 200 items are returned. Reading all the items in a container and returning a subset of items is not efficient.
Be aware that getItemsRequest returns only 5,000 items. If the more than 5,000 items are available, an error message is returned, directing you to refine your search criteria.
You can use filters to limit your searches.
This section contains several examples on retrieving items.
<getItemsRequest> <container>7.domain1.po1.</container> </getItemsRequest> <getItemsResponse> <items> <item type="Mail"> <id>45003893.domain1.po1.100.16E3837.1.FBA.1@1:7. domain1.po1.</id> <version>3</version> <modified>2012-09-07T22:44:53Z</modified> <container>7.domain1.po1.</container> <created>2012-09-07T21:19:47Z</created> <status> <opened>1</opened> <read>1</read> </status> <msgId>45003893.domain1.po1.200.20000CB.1.1532.1</msgId> <messageId><></messageId> <source>received</source> <delivered>2012-09-07T21:19:47Z</delivered> <security>Normal</security> <subject>Attachment attached</subject> <distribution> <from> <displayName>u1</displayName> <email></email> <uuid>1DEB6970-175B-0000-890F-6E00D5004E00</uuid> </from> <to>u1</to> <sendoptions> <statusTracking>None</statusTracking> </sendoptions> </distribution> <options> <priority>Standard</priority> </options> <hasAttachment>1</hasAttachment> <size>1801</size> </item> </items> <status> <code>0</code> </status> </getItemsResponse>
<getItemsRequest> <container>domain1.po1.po1 Library@67</container> <view/> <filter/> <count>0</count> </getItemsRequest> <getItemsResponse> <items> <item type="Document"> <id>domain1.po1.po1 Library:5@68</id> <version>5</version> <container>domain1.po1.po1 Library@67</container> <created>2012-09-13T10:45:49Z</created> <subject>This is a zip file that contains a PALM Dictionary</subject> <library> <displayName>po1 Library</displayName> <email>po1</email> </library> <documentNumber>5</documentNumber> <documentTypeName>Document</documentTypeName> <author> <displayName>u1</displayName> <email></email> <uuid>1DEB6970-175B-0000-890F-6E00D5004E00</uuid> </author> <creator> <displayName>u1</displayName> <email></email> <uuid>1DEB6970-175B-0000-890F-6E00D5004E00</uuid> </creator> <officialversion>2</officialversion> <currentversion>2</currentversion> <current> <entry> <displayName>Creator Access</displayName> <email>C</email> <rights> <read>1</read> <edit>1</edit> <delete>1</delete> <share>1</share> <manage>1</manage> </rights> </entry> </current> <official> <entry> <displayName>Creator Access</displayName> <email>C</email> <rights> <read>1</read> <edit>1</edit> <delete>1</delete> <share>1</share> <manage>1</manage> </rights> </entry> </official> <other> <entry> <displayName>Creator Access</displayName> <email>C</email> <rights> <read>1</read> <edit>1</edit> <delete>1</delete> <share>1</share> <manage>1</manage> </rights> </entry> </other> </item> </items> <status> <code>0</code> </status> </getItemsResponse>
The following filtered request retrieves tasks in the specified container:
<getItemsRequest> <container>A.AutoDomain.AutoPO1.</container> <filter> <element> <op>eq</op> <field>@type</field> <value>Task</value> </element> </filter> </getItemsRequest>
The following filtered request retrieves personal or received items in the specified container:
<getItemsRequest> <container>A.AutoDomain.AutoPO1.</container> <filter> <elements> <op>or</op> <element> <op>eq</op> <field>source</field> <value>received</value> </element> <element> <op>eq</op> <field>source</field> <value>personal</value> </element> </elements> </filter> </getItemsRequest>
The following filtered request retrieves items in the specified container that were received after 5:00pm UTC on September 12, 2012:
<getItemsRequest> <container>A.AutoDomain.AutoPO1.</container> <filter> <elements> <op>and</op> <element> <op>gte</op> <field>startDate</field> <value>2012-09-12T17:00:00Z</value> </element> <element> <op>eq</op> <field>source</field> <value>received</value> </element> </element> </filter> </getItemsRequest>