Returns the list of users that can proxy or access the current GroupWise account. It also returns the rights the users have to the account.
<getProxyAccessListResponse> <accessRights type="types:AccessRightList"/> <status type="types:Status"/> </getProxyAccessListResponse>
Specifies a list of users and their rights to the user's account.
Returns the error number related to the event. 0 indicates that the request was successful.
Returns the success or failure of the method.
<getProxyAccessListRequest /> <getProxyAccessListResponse> <accessRights> <entry> <displayName>u1</displayName> <email></email> <uuid>1DEB6970175B0000890F6E00D5004E00</uuid> <id>1DEB6970175B0000890F6E00D5004E00@60</id> <appointment> <read>1</read> </appointment> <mail> <read>1</read> <write>1</write> </mail> <note> <read>1</read> </note> <task> <read>1</read> </task> </entry> </accessRights> <status> <code>0</code> </status> </getProxyAccessListResponse>