Modifies the rights a user has to the mailbox.
<modifyProxyAccessRequest> <id type="types:uid"/> <updates type="types:AccessRightChanges"/> </modifyProxyAccessRequest>
<modifyProxyAccessResponse> <status type="types:Status"/> </modifyProxyAccessResponse>
Specifies the ID of the user for which you want to change proxy rights.
Specifies the rights to change.
Returns the error number related to the event. 0 indicates that the request was successful.
Returns the success or failure of the method.
<modifyProxyAccessRequest> <id>42F9A600175B0000890F6E00D5004E00@60</id> <updates> <add> <appointment> <write>1</write> </appointment> <mail> <write>1</write> </mail> <misc> <alarms>1</alarms> <notify>1</notify> <readHidden>1</readHidden> <setup>1</setup> </misc> <note> <write>1</write> </note> <task> <write>1</write> </task> </add> </updates> </modifyProxyAccessRequest> <modifyProxyAccessResponse> <status> <code>0</code> </status> </modifyProxyAccessResponse>