Positions the cursor for the next read. The positionCursorRequest can be called only if a cursor has been created by calling createCursorRequest.
<positionCursorRequest> <container type="types:uid"/> <cursor type="int"/> <seek type="types:CursorSeek"/> <offset type="int"/> </positionCursorRequest>
<positionCursorResponse> <status type="types:Status"/> </positionCursorResponse>
(required) Specifies the ID of the container.
Specifies the value returned from createCursorRequest.
Specifies the anchor position of the cursor: current, start, or end.
Specifies the offset from the anchor position of the cursor.
Returns the error number related to the event. 0 indicates that the request was successful.
Returns the success or failure of the method.
<positionCursorRequest> <container>7.domain1.po1.</container> <cursor>1184919325</cursor> <seek>end</seek> <offset>5</offset> </positionCursorRequest> <positionCursorResponse> <status> <code>0</code> </status> </positionCursorResponse>