Contains the base object for address book items.
<AddressBookItem> <extension base="ContainerItem"/> <ref="uuid"/> <comment type="string"/> <sync type="DeltaSyncType"/> <domain type="string"/> <postOffice type="string"/> <distinguishedName type="string"/> <userid type="string"/> <PABGuid/ type="string"/> <visibility type="Visibility"/> <attribute name="external" type="boolean"/> </AddressBookItem>
Specifies the ContainerItem element.
Specifies the unique identifier for this item.
Specifies the comment for this address book item.
Specifies the DeltaSyncType element.
Specifies the domain of this address book item (available on GroupWise Address Book items).
Specifies the post office of this address book item (available on GroupWise Address Book items).
Specifies the distinguishedName of this address book item (available on GroupWise Address Book items).
Specifies the userid of this address book item.
Specifies the PABG ID. Include PABGuid in the view to retrieve this element.
--For GroupWise 8.0 SP2 and later.
Specifies the visibility of the item (available on GroupWise Address Book items).
Attribute that specifies if it is an external item (available on GroupWise Address Book items).