Returns checklist information on an item. In GroupWise 8.0, the checklist folder was renamed the Tasklist folder.
<ChecklistInfo> <sequence type="unsignedInt"/> <dueDate value="dateTime"/> <percentComplete type="int"/> <completed type="dateTime"/> <thread type="string"/> <alarm type="Alarm"/> <alarmDate type="AlarmDate"/> <taskTimeOffset type="unsingedInt"/>s
Specifies the order of the item in the checklist.
Specifies the date the item is due.
Tasklist items can be marked with a percent complete value of 0-100%.
The completed field is the date and time in UTC that the item was marked complete. If an item is marked complete, the percentComplete is automatically changed to 100%.
This read-only field specifies the indentation level for sub-tasks. For example, if you have two values separated by a colon (“:”)(for example. 13D5:13FF), it means the item is indented one level. If there are two colons, it means the indentation is two levels.
Specifies the time offset that the task is due on the due date. The offset is specified from midnight and is entered in seconds.
--For GroupWise 2014 R2 SP1 and later.