Contains the parts of the message text. The data is always Base64.
<MessagePart> <extension base="base64Binary"> <attribute id type="uid"/> <attribute contentId type="string"/> <attribute contentType type="string"/> <attribute length type="int"/> <attribute offset type="int"/> <attribute name="hash" type="string"/> <attribute name="path" type="string"/> </MessagePart>
(optional) Specifies the ID of the message part.
Specifies the MIME content ID.
(optional) Specifies the MIME content type.
(optional) Specifies the size of the original data, not the Base64 size.
(optional) Specifies the offset from where to start reading. On large messageParts, the offset element can be used to read smaller chunks at one time.
For more information on hash values see AttachmentFlags.
For more information on path see AttachmentFlags.
--For GroupWise 8.0 SP1 and later.