Contains the miscellaneous GroupWise send options.
<SendOptions> <requestReply type="SendOptionsRequestReply"/> <mimeEncoding type="string"/> <statusTracking type="StatusTracking"/> <statusTrackingFlags type="StatusTrackingFlags"/> <notification type="ReturnNotification"/> <updateFrequentContacts type="boolean"/> <workFlow type="boolean"/> <notifyRecipients type="boolean"/> </SendOptions>
Specifies that the sender wants a reply from the recipients.
Specifies the mimeEncoding for the item.
Specifies whether the GroupWise system automatically creates a sent item to track the recipients’ actions on the item and collects the status information for all GroupWise recipients. For example, if the item was delivered and opened by the recipients.
We needed refine the statusTracking values. This option allows us to set the particular bits.
--For GroupWise 2012 and later.
Specifies the returnNotification options.
Specifies to update the Frequent Contacts address book with the recipients.
Specifies if workFlow is enabled for this item. In the Windows client, workFlow is enabled on a new item during creation by enabling Actions > Routing Slip. Routing Slip and workFlow are different names for the same functionality.
Specifies whether to notify recipients.