Working with Attachments

All GroupWise items you send or receive can include attachments of any file type (for example, text, audio, image, video, and application).

Attaching Files

You can attach one or more files to an item to send to other users. For example, you might want to send an expense report to another user or attach an agenda to an appointment. For you to attach files to an item, your browser must support attachments.

Viewing Attachments

When you view an attached file, GroupWise WebAccess attempts to convert the file to HTML and display it in your browser. If GroupWise WebAccess cannot convert the file, you can try to have your browser display the file. Depending on how your browser is configured to handle the file, the browser may display the file, launch an application to view the file in its native format, or save the file.

Opening Attachments

When you open an attached file, the file is opened in your browser in its native format if your browser supports the file format and if your browser is set up with the correct association for the file format. In addition, you might be able to edit the file if you have the appropriate plug-in (for example, the MSWord plug-in allows you to edit a .doc file in the browser). If you try to open a file with a format that is not supported in your browser or that does not have an association in your browser, you are prompted to save the file to disk.

Saving Attachments

You can save attachments in their native format.

Attached Documents

Users of the Windows version of GroupWise can attach library documents to a message. The attachment includes both a document snapshot and a document reference. The document snapshot is the actual document attached to the message; the document reference is a link to the document in the library. When you receive the message, you have the option of using the document reference to view, open, or save the actual library document, or using the document snapshot to view, open, or save the document attached to the message.