2.2 Installing the GroupWise Internet Agent

Before configuring your GroupWise system to use dynamic Internet links, you need to make sure that the GroupWise Internet Agent has been installed. Dynamic Internet links require your GroupWise system to use Internet-style addressing, which is only available if you’ve installed the Internet Agent and created one or more Internet domains for your GroupWise system.

The only requirement is that the Internet Agent be installed so that an Internet Agent object is created in Novell® eDirectory™. The Internet Agent does not actually need to be configured correctly or running. However, if there are GroupWise systems that you need to connect to but cannot do so through dynamic Internet links, you can use the Internet Agent to connect to those systems while using dynamic Internet links to connect to supported GroupWise systems.

For information about installing the Internet Agent, see Installing the GroupWise Internet Agent in the GroupWise 7 Installation Guide.