22.5 Messenger Clustering Worksheet



1) eDirectory Tree for Cluster:

Record the eDirectory tree where you created the Novell Cluster object when you installed Novell Cluster Services.

For more information, see Section 13.1, Installing Novell Cluster Services on Linux.

2) Cluster Name:

Master IP Address:

Record the name of the name of the Cluster object where your Messenger system will be located. Also record the master IP address of the cluster.

For more information, see Section 2.2, Installing Novell Cluster Services.

3) Cluster Context:

Record the full context where you created the Cluster object.

For more information, see Section 13.1, Installing Novell Cluster Services on Linux.

4) Nodes in Cluster

  • FIle system type

  • Device name

  • Mount point

List the nodes that are part of the cluster that will include Messenger. Also list technical information, including file system type (reiserfs, ext3, etc.), device name (sda2, hda1, etc.), and mount point directory (/mnt, /mail, etc.) in use on the nodes the cluster. You need this information as you create load and unload scripts for the Messenger agents.

For more information, see Section 13.1, Installing Novell Cluster Services on Linux.

5) Shared Partitions in Cluster:

List the shared partitions that are available for use in your Messenger system.

For more information, see Section 13.1, Installing Novell Cluster Services on Linux.

6) Messenger Partition for Messaging Agent:

Secondary IP address:

Use Same Partition for Archive Agent?

  • Yes

  • No

The Messaging Agent software is installed on each node in its failover list but it does use a shared partition to store its log files, temporary files, and queue directories. Specify the name of the shared partition in the your cluster that the Messaging Agent can use for these purposes. also specify the secondary IP address of that shared partition.

For more information, see Selecting the Messenger Volume.

7) Messenger Partition for Archive Agent?

Secondary IP Address:

In addition to the data storage needs of the Messaging Agent, the Archive Agent can be configured to store all instant message conversations. It is possible that this might consume a large quantity of disk space. If so, you could choose to use a separate shared partition for the Archive Agent.

For more information, see Selecting the Messenger Volume.

8) Failover List for Messenger Agents:

List other nodes in the cluster where the Messenger agents can fail over. You might want to have the same nodes on the both agents’ lists or have separate lists for each agent. It depends on the loads that each agent will be carrying.

For more information, see Determining an Appropriate Failover Path for the Messenger Volume.

9) Mount Point for Shared Storage:

Specify the mount point directory where the shared resource is mounted to the cluster node where the Messenger Agents run.

For more information, see Section 22.1.4, Determining Cluster Resource Information for the Messenger Agents.