Helping Users

GroupWise users can send a message to the gateway to receive an ASCII text file that contains information about explicitly addressing messages. This file, named helpuser.txt, is located in the domain\wpgate\gateway_directory\helprqst directory. You can edit this file to include the name of your gateway and any other information you feel is appropriate. The table below helps you understand the various addresses to which you can forward your requests to obtain assistance.

Address Description




The gateway responds with information on how you can send a message to the foreign system.


The gateway returns an address assistance message or information on how you can send a message to the foreign system.


Only the administrator can request the gateway to be shut down. The gateway shuts down immediately if the request comes as a mail message. If the request comes as an appointment, the gateway will shut down at the appointed time, if it is not shut down earlier.

You might also need to assist GroupWise Remote users with the following tasks: