Installing the Servlets

There are eight files that need to be placed in the proper locations for iChain User Services to work properly:

  1. Place the six servlets (iChainAddUser.class, iChainModifyUser.class, iChainPasswordChange.class, iChainPasswordMgr.class, iChainChallenge.class, and iChainChallengeChange.class) in the servlet directory of your servlet engine.

  2. Place the iChainAddUser$ISOPasswordTemplate.class file with the servlets.

  3. Place the iChainAppConfig.txt configuration file in the same directory where you placed your servlets.

  4. Place the top.gif image at the root documents directory of your Web server. The following are two examples for where to place this image:

    Example for IIS: C:\InetPub\wwwroot

    Example for Netscape/Novonyx: Novonyx\suitespot\docs

IMPORTANT:  Make sure that the directory path where the *class files reside on your server is in the runtime CLASSPATH of your servlet engine's JVM. Otherwise, upon initialization, the servlets will fail due to the getClass().getResourceAsStream(configFileName) method call that they make when attempting to read the configuration text file (that should be in the same directory as the servlet *.class files) when the servlets initialize.