9.4 Requests & Approvals Actions You Can Perform

Here’s a summary of the actions that are available to you by default on the Requests & Approvals tab:

Table 9-1 Requests & Approvals Actions




My Work

My Tasks

Displays the approval tasks currently assigned to you in your workflow queue.

If a task requires a digital signature, the My Tasks action provides a way to approve or disapprove the task with a digital signature.

WARNING:You must use Novell Audit to preserve documents that you digitally sign. Digital signature documents are not stored in the workflow database.

If a task is assigned to multiple addressees, the My Tasks action provides a way to see the approval requirements for the task, as well as the list of addressees and the approval status.

For details, see Section 10.0, Managing Your Work.

Request Resource

Lets you make a request for a resource.

If a resource requires a digital signature, the Request Resource action provides a way to associate a digital signature with the request.

For details, see Section 10.0, Managing Your Work.

My Requests

Displays the status of the resource requests made by or for you. The list of requests therefore includes those for which you are the initiator or the recipient for a request that authorizes view privileges for recipients.

For details, see Section 10.0, Managing Your Work.

My Settings

Enter Proxy Mode

Lets you act as a proxy for another user.

For details, see Section 11.0, Configuring Your Provisioning Settings.

Edit Availability

Lets you specify which resource requests you are available to act on, and which resource requests your assigned delegates can act on.

For details, see Section 11.0, Configuring Your Provisioning Settings.

My Proxy Assignments

Lets you view or edit your proxy assignments. To edit proxy assignments, you must have the necessary authority.

For details, see Section 11.0, Configuring Your Provisioning Settings.

My Delegate Assignments

Lets you view or edit your delegate assignments. To edit delegate assignments, you must have the necessary authority.

For details, see Section 11.0, Configuring Your Provisioning Settings.

My Team’s Work

Team Tasks

Displays the approval tasks assigned to members of your team.

Depending on the rights defined for the team, this action can also allow you to claim and/or reassign tasks.

If a task requires a digital signature, the Team Tasks action provides a way to approve or disapprove the task with a digital signature.

If a task is assigned to multiple addressees, the Team Tasks action provides a way to see the approval requirements for the task, as well as the list of addressees.

For details, see Section 12.0, Managing Your Team’s Work.

Request Team Resource

Lets you make a request for a resource for a member of your team.

If a resource requires a digital signature, the Request Team Resource action provides a way to associate a digital signature with the request.

For details, see Section 12.0, Managing Your Team’s Work.

Team Requests

Displays the status of resource requests made by or for members of your team.

For details, see Section 12.0, Managing Your Team’s Work.

My Team’s Settings

Team Proxy Assignments

Lets you specify proxy assignments for members of your team.

This capability must be enabled in the team definition. When this capability is disabled, this action is not allowed.

For details, see Section 13.0, Configuring Your Team’s Provisioning Settings.

Team Delegate Assignments

Lets you specify delegate assignments for members of your team.

This capability must be enabled in the team rights definition. If the team rights allow managers to make a team member a delegate for other team member's provisioning requests, this action is allowed for these requests. When this capability is disabled in the team rights definition, this action is not allowed.

For details, see Section 13.0, Configuring Your Team’s Provisioning Settings.

Team Availability

Lets you specify which resource requests your team members are available to act on, and which resource requests the team member’s delegates can act on.

This capability must be enabled in the team definition. When this capability is disabled, this action is not allowed.

For details, see Section 13.0, Configuring Your Team’s Provisioning Settings.