5.3 Configuring the Driver Filter

Modify the filter on the Publisher and Subscriber channels to include object classes and attributes that you want Identity Manager to process.

  1. In iManager, click Identity Manager > Identity Manager Overview.

  2. Locate and select the driver set that contains the Exchange driver, then click Search.

  3. Click the Exchange driver’s icon to display the Identity Manager Driver Overview page.

  4. Click the driver filter icon.

    The driver filter icon
  5. (Optional) Add classes that you want Identity Manager to process.

    The Exchange driver supports the Distribution List, Remote, and Mailbox classes.

  6. Enable synchronization.

    As the following figure illustrates with red Xs, when you add a class, the Publisher and Subscriber channels aren’t enabled.

    Publisher and Subscriber channels

    To enable a channel, click the channel icon, then click Synchronize.

    The Synchronize option on the Publisher channel
  7. Save changes by clicking OK.

Mail-nickname is the Alias attribute on the General page in the Exchange Administrator. It is the Exchange attribute name that the driver supports, but it does not map to any existing Identity Vault attributes. Based on your organization's needs, you can map this Exchange attribute to existing or new Identity Vault attributes (after extending the schema) by modifying the Schema Mapping policy. Make sure that the syntax for any maps you add is valid. You can also handle this in a style sheet.