B.3 Retrieving Values with a Policy

You can retrieve values with a policy by calling methods from the driver shim. The following example demonstrates retrieving values with XPath expressions:

<do-set-local-variable name="DriverDN">
		<token-text xml:space="preserve">\MYD1\mydriver\drivers\NxSettings</token-text>
<do-set-local-variable name="driverShimInstance">
		<token-xpath expression="NxSettingsInstance:getInstance($DriverDN)"/>
<do-set-local-variable name="uid">
		<token-xpath expression='driverShim:getNextRangeValue($driverShimInstance,"DefaultSet", "uid")'/>

This works as follows:

  1. Local variable “DriverDN” is set to the DN of the driver. This value is used to retrieve the correct instance of the driver shim from the Java* virtual machine.

  2. The static getInstance method is called on the driver shim to retrieve a handle to the shim object.

  3. The getNextRangeValue method is called on the driver shim with the following arguments:




    The handle to the shim


    The name of the settings set to retrieve the range value from (defined by the value of the settings tag name attribute)


    The name of the setting containing the range information to be used to assign an ID