3.4 Installing the Peoplesoft Driver through Designer

Designer has a driver configuration wizard to help you import and configure the PeopleSoft driver configuration file. This file creates and configures the objects and policies needed to make the driver work properly.

  1. In Designer, right-click the driver set where you plan to install and configure the PeopleSoft driver, then select New > Driver.

  2. From the Connecting to Application window, select the PeopleSoft50-IDM3_5_0-V1.xml file. Also select Perform required prompt checking, then click Run.

  3. Specify values for the following parameters:

    Table 3-3 Driver Configuration Parameters



    Driver name

    The actual name you want to use for the driver.

    Active Users Container

    The name of the Organizational Unit object where Active users from PeopleSoft are placed. You can modify this parameter through a global configuration variable (GCV) after installation.

    Inactive Users Container

    The name of the Organizational Unit where Inactive users from PeopleSoft are placed. You can modify this parameter through a GCV after installation.

    Active Employees Group

    The name of the Group Object to which Active Employee users from PeopleSoft are added. You can modify this parameter through a GCV after installation.

    Active Managers Group

    The name of the Group Object to which Active Manager users from PeopleSoft are added. You can modify this parameter through a GCV after installation.

    PeopleSoft Connection String

    The hostname or IP address and port number for connecting to the appropriate PeopleSoft Application server. This is typically referred to as the PeopleSoft application server connection string. The default port is 9000.

    The connection string uses the following format: <hostname or IP address>:<Jolt Port Number> Example: //PSServer:9000

    To enable failover and loadbalancing, you can supply multiple server connection strings separated by a comma. Example: //PSServer:9000,//

    PeopleSoft User ID

    The PeopleSoft User ID the driver uses for authentication to PeopleSoft.

    PeopleSoft User Password

    The PeopleSoft User password the driver uses for authentication to PeopleSoft. Re-enter the password.

    Password Failure Notification User

    Password synchronization policies are configured to send e-mail notifications to the associated user when password updates fail. This option allows you to send a copy of the notification e-mail to another user, such as a security administrator. If you want to send a copy, specify the DN of that user. Otherwise, leave the field blank.

    Allow ‘add’ events

    Subscriber Add events are implemented by invoking the Component Interface 'Create' method (if present). If you want the driver to allow Subscriber channel add events, select Allow Subscriber add.

    Allow ‘delete’ events

    Subscriber Delete events are implemented by invoking the Component Interface Delete method (if present). If you want the driver to allow Subscriber channel delete events, select Allow Subscriber delete.

    Driver is Local/Remote

    Configure the driver for use with the Remote Loader service by selecting the Remote option, or select Local to configure the driver for local use. (If you are using PeopleTools 8.4 x, you must select a Remote installation. Local implementations are not supported.) If Local is selected, you can skip the remaining parameters.

    Remote Host Name and Port

    Specify the hostname or IP address and port number for where the Remote Loader service has been installed and is running for this driver. The default port is 8090.

    Driver Password

    The driver object password is used by the Remote Loader to authenticate itself to the Metadirectory server. It must be the same password that is specified as the driver object password on the Identity Manager Remote Loader.

    Remote Password

    The Remote Loader password is used to control access to the Remote Loader instance. It must be the same password that is specified as the Remote Loader password on the Identity Manager Remote Loader.

    The additional driver parameters are set to default values during the import process, but they can be modified in iManager (by clicking the Driver Configuration tab on the driver object).

    Table 3-4 Additional Driver Parameters



    Default Value

    Schema CI Name

    List of the names of the PeopleSoft CI objects that define the set of data to be synchronized by the driver.


    Data Record ID Field

    The name of the field in the Data Schema CI that uniquely identifies a PeopleSoft object. The value in this field is used as the DirXML object association identifier.


    Use Case-Sensitive Search

    Controls whether or not the driver evaluates search attribute matches using case-sensitive match criteria.

    Allow Add Events

    When data flow is configured to allow Subscriber channel synchronization, this parameter allows the administrator to allow or deny Add events on the Subscriber channel.

    Disallow Subscriber add

    Data Record ID Field Default Value

    Allows an administrator to specify the default value for the Schema CI key field. Only used if Subscriber channel Add events are allowed.


    Allow Delete Events

    When data flow is configured to allow Subscriber channel synchronization, this parameter allows the administrator to allow or deny Delete events on the Subscriber channel.

    Disallow Subscriber delete

    Transaction CI Name

    Contains the name of the PeopleSoft CI object that defines the set of fields required for the DirXML Transaction interface. The set of fields in the specified transaction CI must contain the same fields and keys identified in the default transaction CI in order for the driver to work.


    Driver Subset Identifier

    Identifies which transactions in the transaction CI are to be processed by the driver. When the driver reads a transaction CI record, it compares the values of the DIRXML_DRIVER field with this parameter value and only processes transactions that match.

    A match is determined by matching characters for the length of this parameter value. For instance, if this parameter is NPSDriver and the DIRXML_DRIVER field in a transaction is NPSDriver1, a match is made.

    This allows multiple drivers to utilize the same transaction CI, which in turn can be populated by multiple PeopleSoft applications or processes.


    Queue Poll Interval (seconds)

    This parameter specifies the number of seconds the driver waits between attempts to process transaction records. This poll interval is only applied when no transactions are available for processing.

    5 seconds