10.3 Common HTTP Status Codes

Below is a list of common HTTP status codes. For a complete list of HTTP codes, see RFC 2616.

404 Not Found

Source: The status log or DSTrace screen.
Explanation: The requested resource is not available.
Possible Cause: The driver is not configured properly.
Action: Verify that the driver is configured properly. See Section B.1.5, Driver Parameters for more information.

401 Unauthorized

Source: The status log or DSTrace screen.
Explanation: The request requires HTTP authentication.
Possible Cause: The authentication information provided is incorrect.
Action: Verify that the driver is configured with the proper authentication information. See Section B.1.5, Driver Parameters for more information.

500 Internal Server Error

Source: The status log or DSTrace screen.
Explanation: An error occurred in the HTTP server that prevents it from fulfilling the request.
Possible Cause: There is a problem with the HTTP server.
Action: Troubleshoot and resolve any issues with the HTTP server.

503 Service Unavailable

Source: The status log or DSTrace screen.
Explanation: The HTTP server is temporarily overloaded and unable to handle the request.
Possible Cause: The HTTP server is providing too many services.
Action: Find out what is causing the server to be overloaded.