6.1 Policies and Rules Used in the Basic Configuration

This section describes policies and rules for the Subscriber and Publisher channels in the WorkOrder driver’s basic configuration. For an overview on how the Subscriber and Publisher channels work, see Section 1.1.1, Subscriber Channel Functions and Section 1.1.2, Publisher Channel Functions.

6.1.1 Subscriber Channel

The Subscriber channel processes only events that pertain to the work orders. The following table lists the rules and policies used in configuring the Subscriber channel:

Table 6-1 Configuring the Subscriber Channel

Rule or Policy

What it does

Subscriber Filter

Allows only events for WorkOrder objects to be processed.

Event Transformation

Not used in the sample configuration.

Matching Rule

Not used in the sample configuration.

Create Rule

Contains rules only for WorkOrder objects.

Requires values for the following attributes on a WorkOrder object:






If the values are not present, the work order is not sent to the Publisher channel and the work order is not updated by the driver.

For a description of these attributes, see Section C.0, Schema and Policy Rules For Work Order Management.

Placement Rule

Maps work orders from the work order container you specified to the driver. This mapping is necessary so that the Subscriber channel can check the work orders to see if the DoItNow flag is set to True.

Command Transformation

Not used in the sample configuration.

Schema Mapping

Maps the eDirectory namespace to the Work Order namespace.

Output Transformation

Not used in the sample configuration.

6.1.2 Publisher Channel

The following table lists the rules and policies used to configure the Publisher channel:

Table 6-2 Configuring the Publisher channel

Rule or Policy

What it does

Schema Mapping

Maps the Work Order driver namespace to the eDirectory namespace.

Event Transformation

Not used in the sample configuration.

Publisher Filter

Allows only events for WorkOrder objects to be processed.

Matching Rule

Not used in the sample configuration.

Placement Rule

Places WorkOrder and WorkToDo objects in the correct container as defined in the driver’s configuration parameters.

Command Transformation

Not used in the sample configuration.