10.4 Manual Configuration of the iFolder 2.x Server for OES

  1. Run /opt/novell/ifolder/bin/ifolder_config.sh at the shell prompt. This requires the user to input the following:

    LDAP Host

    Enter the DNS name of the LDAP server if the LDAP server is configured to use SSL CertificateDNS.

    Or, enter the IP address of the LDAP server if the LDAP server is configured to use SSL CertificateIP

    To enable Server Certificate:

    In ConsoleOne, right-click the Ldap Server object > Properties. Click SSL/TLS Configuration tab and verify or change the value of Server Certificate.

    LDAP SSL Port

    Specify the LDAP SSL Port

    LDAP Users Context

    Specify the LDAP context where the iFolder Admin user is located.

    LDAP Admin DN

    Type the DN of the LDAP admin

    Admin Password

    Type the admin password of the LDAP server

    Admin Users

    Specify the users who have permission to manage the iFolder server

    iFolder 2.x server IP Address

    Specify the IP address of the iFolder 2.x server. To install in Standalone mode, enter as the IP address. To install in Coexistent mode, enter a valid IP address (different from the primary address of the local machine).

    The following user inputs are required only if the user enters a valid IP address for iFolder 2.x server IP address field.

    • iFolder 2.x server netmask: Type the netmask for the iFolder 2.x server.
    • iFolder 2.x DNS name: Type the DNS name for the iFolder 2.x server.
  2. After configuration is complete, and if you are not running iFolder 2.x as a standalone server, then you need to restart Apache2 (by running /etc /init.d/apache2 restart) before starting iFolder 2.x server.

    To load the iFolder 2.x server, run /etc/init.d/novell-ifolder start