10.4 Managing the Simias Log and Simias Access Log

On the iFolder enterprise, there are two logs that track events:

  • Simias Log: The /simias/log/Simias.log file contains status messages about the health of the Simias Service.

  • Simias Access Log: The simias/log/Simias.access.log file contains file access events for data and metadata about iFolders, users, membership in shared iFolders, and so on. It reports the success of the event and identifies who did what and when they did it. For example, if a file was deleted on the server, it identifies the user who initiated the deletion.

Review the logs whenever you need to troubleshoot problems with your iFolder system.

The Simias Log4net file (/simias/Simias.log4net) allows you specify output location of the log files and what events are recorded at run time. Its parameters are based on, but not compliant with, the Apache Logging Services. The following parameters are modifiable:




Location and name of the log

<file value="pathname"

The location of the log file. Specify the full path where the file is located on the computer, including the volume, intermediate directories, and filename.

<file value="<iFolder Data>/simias/log/Simias.log">
<file value="<iFolder Data>/simias/log/Simias.access.log" />

Maximum size of the log file

<maximumFileSize value=”size” />

The maximum size of the log file. When the file grows to this size, the content is rolled over into a backup file and the recording continues in the now-empty file. A period and sequential number are appended to the filename of the backup log files, such as Simias.log.1 and Simias.log.2.

For size, specify the number and unit, such as 10MB or 20MB, with no space between them.

<maximumFileSize value="10MB" /> 

How much logged data to retain

<maxSizeRollBackups value=”number” />

The maximum number of backup log files that are kept before they are overwritten. The log rolls over sequentially until the maximum number of backups are created, then overwrites the oldest log file.

<maxSizeRollBackups value="10" />

Level of Simias Services messages

<level value="status"

(Use only for the Simias.log.)

The type of messages or level of detail you want to capture for the log. Valid levels include the following:

  • OFF
  • WARN
  • INFO
  • ALL
<level value="ERROR" /> 

Fields to report for file access events

<header value="layout"

(Use only for the Simias.access.log.)

Specify which fields to report and the order you want them to appear for each entry. Valid fields include the following:

  • date
  • time
  • method (program call or event)
  • status (success or failure)
  • user
  • uri (relative path of the file in an iFolder)
  • id (node key)

The fields are pattern delimited (**) by default. Use this pattern to add additional fields.

<header value="#version: 1.0&#xD;&#xA;#Fields:**date**time**method**status**user**uri**id**&#xD;&#xA;" />

In the Log4net terminology, each output destination is defined in an XML appender tag. If you do not want to log events for the Simias Service or for file access, comment out (!--) the related appender tag and its child elements for that log file.