11.4 Configuring the HTTP Runtime Parameters

Two HTTP runtime parameters—Execution Time-Out (executionTimeout) and Maximum Request Length (maxRequestLength)—can affect the successful upload of a file to the Web Access server. The following table defines these run time parameters and their default values:




The interval of time in seconds to wait between the command to upload a file and the successful execution where the file is stored on the iFolder enterprise server.

Default Value: 720 (in seconds)


The maximum file size in bytes that a user is allowed to upload to the server via the Web Access server. The default maximum size is 1 GB for Web access.

Default Value: 1048576 (in KB)

Using Web Access, a user can upload a local file to the user’s iFolder on the enterprise server. If the file does not upload successfully before the interval times out or if the file size exceeds the allowed maximum, the upload is stopped and reported as a failure. Because the Web browser is controlling the errors, a problem of timing out or exceeding the maximum size might result in a Bad Request or other generic error.

The Execution Time-Out and Maximum Request Length parameters must be configured with compatible settings in the /usr/lib/simias/web/web.config file for the iFolder enterprise server and in the /usr/lib/simias/webaccess/Web.config file for the Web Access server. The settings in Web.config for the enterprise server must be the same size or larger than the settings in ../webaccess/Web.config for the Web Access server.

For example, the following code is the httpRuntime element with the default settings in the ../webaccess/Web.config file for Web Access:


To modify the httpRuntime parameters:

  1. Stop iFolder.

  2. Set the httpRuntime parameters on the iFolder Web Access server by editing the values in the /usr/lib/simias/webaccess/Web.config file.

  3. If necessary, set the httpRuntime parameters on the iFolder enterprise server by editing the values in the /usr/lib/simias/web/web.config file.

  4. Start iFolder.

For example, to set the time-out to 5 minutes (300 seconds) and the maximum file size to 5 megabytes (5120 KB) for the Web Access server, modify its httpRuntime parameter values in the ../webaccess/Web.config file:


If the webaccess/Web.config values exceed the values in web/web.config for the enterprise server, you must also increase the sizes of runtime parameters in that file.