6.5 Updating Mono for the Server and Client

You can upgrade the Mono packages available in the SUSE distribution through Mono upgrade channel unless otherwise the iFolder Administrator guide specifies a particular version. For both server and client XSP RPMs must be at least 1.1.18 or later.

For iFolder 3.7 server, you must ensure that Mono 1.2.6 is installed. To upgrade Mono 1.2.5 to Mono 1.2.6, follow the steps given below:

  1. Access the following URL: Download rpm

  2. Under the section RPM Packages, click suse-103-i586 for 32 bit or suse-103-x86_64 for 64 bit.

  3. Download the following RPM’s to your system:

    • mono-core

    • mono-data

    • mono-data-sqlite

    • mono-web

    • mono-nunit

    • mono-winforms

    • xsp

    • apache2-mod_mono

  4. Upgrade the rpm package. For instance, to upgrade the mono-core rpm package, open a terminal console, log in as the root user by entering su and entering your password. Then go to the directory where you placed the .rpm files and enter:

    rpm –Uvh mono-core*rpm

    Alternatively, you can issue the following command:

    rpm –Uvh mono-core*rpm –nodeps

    Similarly, upgrade the remaining rpm packages

  5. To ensure that Mono 1.2.6 rpm’s are installed, issue the following command:

    rpm –qa | grep mono