iprntcmd (1)


iprntcmd - iprint administrative utility.


iprntcmd <options> <parameter>


iprntcmd provides command-line functionality for iPrint administrative tasks on a workstation.


You must use quotes around parameters that contain spaces.

Most of the commands listed below are common for Windows and Mac operating system. If a command is valid for only Windows or Mac, we mentioned the specific operating system in that command.


Option type <parameter>

-a | --addprinter <printer-uri>

Installs the specified printer.

-c | --clearallpasswords

Clears all saved passwords.

-T | --tray-icon

Displays an iPrint icon to the notification area and launches the iprint-listener-gui process, if it is not running.

-r | --run-listener

Launches the iprint-listener process if it is not already running.

-d | --delprinter <printer-uri>

Removes the specified printer.

-d | --delprinter all

Remove all the printers. This option requires your confirmation before removing all the printers.

-d | --delprinter all --force

Remove all the printers. This option removes all the printers forcibly without any user intervention.

-g | --getdefault

Displays the default printer installed on the workstation.

-h | --help

Displays help for the command.

-j | --listjobs <printer-uri>

Lists the print jobs for the specified printer that are on the server in a pending or printing state.

-l | --listprinters

Lists printers installed on the workstation.

-L | -listprintersonserver <psm-hostname or psm-address>

Lists iPrint printers on the specified Print Manager, where psm-hostname or psm-address can be a host name or IP address.

-p | --printfile <printer-uri> <file path>

Sends a printer-ready file to the specified iPrint printer.

-P | --ppdlist

Lists the PPDs installed on this workstation.

-s | --setdefault <printer-uri>

Sets the specified printer as the default.

-t | --testpage <printer-uri>

Prints a test page to the specified printer.

-u | --uploadids <ids-uri> <ppd path with/without wildcards>

(Mac workstation) Uploads the specified PPD files to the indicated driver store, where ids_uri is the IP address or host name for the driver store, and ppd is the directory path and filename to the PPD files. You can use a wildcard in the PPD filename.

-U | --uploadbroker <rms-uri> <rms-name> <ppd path with/without wildcards>

Uploads the specified PPD files to the indicated Broker, where rms_uri is the IP address or host name for the Broker’s associated Print Manager, rms_name is the username with rights to add drivers to the broker, and ppd is the directory path and filename to the PPD files. You can use a wildcard in the PPD filename.

-U | --uploaddriver [osx] <ids_uri> <username> <password> [INF-Filepath <model-name>] | [driver-Filepath]

Windows workstation: Windows Driver Upload

-U <ids_uri> <username> <password> INF-Filepath <model-name>

Uploads the Windows driver to the indicated Driver Store where ids_uri is the IP address or host name of the Driver Store, and INF-Filepath is the file path of the Windows driver.

Windows workstation: Mac Driver Upload

-U [osx] <ids_uri> <username> <password> driver-Filepath

Uploads the specified Mac Driver package (Mac PPD or PDE driver package) files to the indicated Driver Store where ids_uri is the IP address or host name of the Driver Store, and driver-Filepath is the path of the Mac driver file (PPD or PDE).

-v | --version <psm-hostname or psm-address>

Displays the server platform and version information, where server_uri is the URI for the server.

-i | --info <printer-uri>

Displays the printer information.

-S | --setprimarypsm <IP/DNS>

Sets the PSM address for iCM configuration.

-f | --fetchdriverlocal <printer-uri>

Fetches the printer driver on local machine.



iprntcmd --<option> ipp://<host_address>/ipp/<printer_name>

Example to add a printer
iprntcmd --addprinter ipp://printing.MyCompany.com/ipp/Printer1
Example to delete a printer
iprntcmd --delprinter ipp://printing.MyCompany.com/ipp/Printer1 
Example to get a default printer
iprntcmd --getdefault
Example to list the print jobs
iprntcmd --listjobs ipp://printing.MyCompany.com/ipp/Printer1
Example to get the list of installed printers
iprntcmd --listprinters
Example to get the list of printers on a server
iprntcmd --listprintersonserver printing.MyCompany.com
Example to print a file
iprntcmd --printfile ipp://printing.MyCompany.com/ipp/Printer1 /home/user1/temp.txt 
Example to get a list of local ppd files
iprntcmd --ppdlist
Example to set a default printer
iprntcmd --setdefault ipp://printing.MyCompany.com/ipp/Printer1
Example to test a print page
iprntcmd --testpage ipp://printing.MyCompany.com/ipp/Printer1
Example to upload driver <without using a wildcard> to ids
iprntcmd --uploadids printing.MyCompany.com /usr/share/cups/model/HP/LaserJet_4V_4LJ_Pro-lj4dithp.ppd.gz


iprntcmd --uploadids /usr/share/cups/model/HP/LaserJet_4V_4LJ_Pro-lj4dithp.ppd.gz

Example to upload driver <using a wildcard> to ids

iprntcmd --uploadids printing.MyCompany.com /usr/share/cups/model/HP/LaserJet_4*


iprntcmd --uploadids /usr/share/cups/model/HP/LaserJet_4*
Example to upload drivers (without using a wildcard) to rms
iprntcmd --uploadbroker printing.MyCompany.com rms_name /usr/share/cups/model/HP/LaserJet_4V_4LJ_Pro-lj4dithp.ppd.gz


iprntcmd --uploadbroker rms_name /usr/share/cups/model/HP/LaserJet_4V_4LJ_Pro-lj4dithp.ppd.gz
Example to upload drivers (using a wildcard) to rms
iprntcmd --uploadbroker printing.MyCompany.com rms_name /usr/share/cups/model/HP/LaserJet_4*


iprntcmd --uploadbroker rms_name /usr/share/cups/model/HP/LaserJet_4*
Example to get iprint server version
iprntcmd --version printing.MyCompany.com


iprntcmd --version 
Example to get information of a printer
iprntcmd --info ipp://printing.MyCompany.com/ipp/Printer1