12.2 Creating a MySQL Database

  1. Review the MySQL requirements listed in Section 2.1, Teaming Server Requirements

  2. Make sure that the MySQL database server and client have been installed and configured, as described in Section A.2, MySQL Database Server.

  3. Make sure that the MySQL database client is also installed on the Teaming server

    The Teaming Installation program needs the MySQL client in order to communicate with the remote MySQL database server.

  4. Make sure that you know the password for the MySQL root administrator user.

  5. Make sure that innodb support is enabled.

    It is enabled by default. You can verify the setting in the MySQL configuration file.




    c:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server version\my.ini

  6. In the MySQL configuration file, make the following changes using a text editor:

    1. Under the [client] section, add the following line:

      default_character_set = utf8
    2. Under the [mysqld] section, add the following line:

      character_set_server = utf8

      Setting the character set to UTF-8 ensures that extended characters are handled correctly in the database.

    3. Also under the [mysqld] section, add the following line:

      bind-address = teaming_server_address

      where teaming_server_address is the IP address or DNS hostname of the Teaming server that is allowed to remotely access the MySQL database server.

    4. Save the updated configuration file, then exit the text editor.

  7. In the directory where you copied the database scripts (Step 3 in Section 12.1, Preparing to Manually Create a Database), enter the following command to run the MySQL database creation script:

    mysql -uuser -ppassword < create-database-mysql.sql
  8. Configure MySQL to allow access from a remote server:

    mysql -uuser -ppassword
    mysql> grant all privileges on *.* 
            -> to 'username'@'%'
            -> identified by 'password' 
            -> with grant option
            -> ;
  9. Be familiar with standard database maintenance procedures.

    For more information about MySQL, see the following references:

    The following database tools can be helpful:

  10. Skip to Section 12.5, Installing Teaming with a Remote Database.