1.1 Overview

Did you know that in one large company, 20% of surveyed employees have never met their managers face-to-face, and that half of those never expect to? How can people work effectively together when they are physically scattered in different locations?

The answer is all about enterprise social networking and peer-to-peer collaboration around the block and around the world.

Given the proper tools, employees in different locations can productively work together online, just as they would if their offices were right next door.

Employees can even have those spontaneous over-the-wall cubicle chats, the informative hallway exchanges, and the casual break room brainstorming sessions. How is all this possible? With Teaming 2.0.

To see how Teaming helps colleagues work together no matter where they are, let’s follow Julio Chavez, a new employee in the Marketing department at Green Energy Power Company. Julio has been placed in a new group that is overseeing the firm’s latest and most high-profile internal mandate, to “go paperless.” Julio is the lead writer on the writing team that will be covering the progress of the project.

As part of his new-employee orientation, Julio received in-depth training about how to get the most out of Teaming 2.0. He’s been told that his coworkers haven’t received their scheduled training yet, so Julio is excited to jump in and help the new team come up to speed fast.