17.3 Rebuilding the Lucene Index

The Lucene index provides access to all data in your Kablink Teaming site. If it becomes damaged or out of date for some reason, you can rebuild it. Users might first notice a problem with the Lucene index if they cannot find information that they know should be available on the Teaming site.

  1. Log in to the Teaming site as the Teaming administrator.

  2. On the Workspace toolbar, click Manage > Site Administration, then click Manage the Search Index.

    Manage the Search Index page
  3. To reindex the entire Teaming site, select Home Workspace.

    Depending on the size of your Teaming site, this can be a very time-consuming process.


    Select one or more parts of your Teaming site to reindex.

  4. Click OK to start the indexing.

    Users can still access the Teaming site during the indexing process, but search results might not be accurate until the index has been completely rebuilt.

    A message notifies you when indexing is complete.