4.0 Creating JavaServer Pages (JSPs)

JavaServer Pages

JavaServer Pages technology

NOTE:The method of specifying separate JSP files for the form, view, and mail was the primary method of applying JSP applications for versions of Kablink Teaming prior to 2.0, and this method is still supported in Teaming 2.0 and later. However, Teaming 2.0 and later added support for specifying a single JSP file for the form and then inheriting the JSP in the view. Also, Teaming 2.0 and later supports replacing standard items (such as the title or description) with JSP files.

This topic describes the application of JavaServer Page (JSP) customizations in Kablink Teaming.

Using form and view designers, you can add standard HTML or Teaming elements (for example, a text box or form elements to upload attachments) to standard entries. As another option, you can create new types of entries (for example, a paid-time-off-request entry, a resume-processing entry, a document-review entry, and so on). When you limit a folder to a custom task, then you created a dedicated application.

Using Teaming as an application-development platform is powerful. However, given the tools described in this guide so far, you may have noticed some limitations. For example, when you use the designers to create custom entries, you are allowed some control over the position of the custom elements on the page, but many formatting decisions are left to the Teaming software. If your application requires a level of formatting control that is difficult or impossible to achieve using the designers, you can use JSPs to enhance your customization.

This topic includes these sections:

NOTE:Although it includes examples of JSP tagging, it is beyond the scope of this topic to teach general tagging syntax and use cases for JavaServer Pages.