A login script is a set of instructions that is executed when a user logs in using the Novell Client for Windows, the Novell Client for Linux, or some other method of login that accesses Novell eDirectory object properties. A login script is simply a text file that the login executable interprets and runs line by line.
When a user successfully logs in to the network, one or more login scripts can be executed that automatically set up the workstation environment.
Login scripts are similar to batch files and are executed by the Novell LOGIN utility.
You can use login scripts to map drives and search drives to directories, display messages, set environment variables, and execute programs or menus.
Login scripts are properties of specific eDirectory objects.
There are four types of login scripts:
Container: Sets the general environments for all users in that container. Container login scripts are executed first and can be associated with Organization or Organizational Unit objects. A user can use only one container login script.
Profile: Sets environments for several users at the same time. Profile login scripts are executed after the container login script and are associated with Profile objects. A user can be assigned only one profile login script that is then associated with the User object in eDirectory. However, other profile login scripts can be assigned by using the PROFILE command in the login script or by selecting a different Profile login script from the Novell Login window.
User: Sets environments (such as printing options or an e-mail username) specific to a single user. User login scripts are executed after any container and profile login scripts and are associated with User objects. A user can have only one user login script. However, the User login script can be overwritten by selecting a different login script from the Novell Login window.
Default: Contains only essential commands, such as drive mappings to certain utilities, and cannot be edited. The default login script runs if a user (including user Admin) doesn’t have a user login script, even if a container or profile login script exists.
NOTE:If you don't want to create any user login scripts and you don't want the default login script to execute for any users, you can disable the default login script by including the NO_DEFAULT command in the container or profile login script.
Maintaining many user login scripts can be time consuming. Therefore, you should try to include as much customization information as possible in the container and profile login scripts, which are fewer in number and easier to maintain.
For example, if all users need access to particular utilities in the same volume, put the search drive mapping to that volume in a single container login script rather than in every user login script.
Create profile login scripts if several users have identical login script needs. Profile login scripts are sometimes thought of as group login scripts.
Finally, in user login scripts, include only those individual items that can't be included in profile or container login scripts. For example, personal drive mappings could be included in the user login script.
IMPORTANT:Because three or more login scripts can execute whenever a user logs in, conflicts can occur and drive mappings can be overwritten by consecutive login scripts. The last login script to execute (usually the user login script) overrides any conflicting commands in a previous login script.